pest control

Are our pest control chemicals safe?

The response to this inquiry frequently relies upon who you pose. Many exterminators and other professionals in the pest management industry claim that ultrasonic and electronic pest management devices like electric fly zapper are the most practical and effective means for eliminating pests from your property. In contrast, many individuals concerned with the dangers of pesticide use suggest that these modern solutions are dangerous, expensive, and unnecessary.

Pests like ants, termites, and roaches can cause serious health and safety risks. House spiders like the brown recluse and black widow can cause serious illness and even death in extreme cases. In Minnesota, over 80% of our population lives in structures with some sort of pest problem that requires treatment. However, if you look at a study that ranks the most common pests, it might surprise you which critters make the list!

Protecting our customers and employees is always a top priority. Having a comprehensive safety program in place helps to ensure that all of the staff are well trained in dealing with chemicals while they are on the job site.

Protecting our customers and employees is always a top priority. Having a comprehensive safety program in place helps to ensure that all of the staff are well trained in dealing with chemicals while they are on the job site.

An Experienced Pest Control Technician Won’t Put You in Risk

Are Chemicals Used In Pest Control Machine Safe? There have been many misconceptions about the dangers to your health posed by insecticides over the years. Today, you’ll find numerous pesticides that are safe and effective in controlling pesky pests like ants, bed bugs, ticks, and wasps.

As professional exterminators, we are knowledgeable of the approved pesticides and their usage. We speak with companies regularly to ensure our staff is aware of the latest changes and information. This ensures we can safely protect you, your family, and your home from pests in a manner sustainable for your family.

we believe that when it comes to pest control safety, the most important thing is listening to your customers. Not only do you put yourself at risk when using dangerous chemicals, but so does the person across the street and down the road from you. That’s why we always do everything possible to ensure that our customers are safe. We are always looking for new solutions, to develop safer products and methods of control to minimize our impact on people and their homes. And all these innovations need to be tested and approved by agencies like Health Canada and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency before they ever make it onto the market or into your home. Pest Control safety is a constant process of innovation – it’s never done. If it was – we had be out of business.

In Nutshell

I hope you have enjoyed this in-depth article on pest control safety. There certainly can be serious risks involved with using chemicals to eliminate pests inside and outside your home. However, employing an exterminator who uses these chemicals properly should not pose any serious risk if you follow these precautions. My suggestion is to always use an exterminator who is licensed and insured like yours truly, for your protection. The bottom line is that pest control chemicals are safe when used properly by a licensed pest control company.

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