Health & Fitness

12 Detoxifying Health Benefits of Organic Kombucha Tea

Once dubbed the “Tea of Immortality”, Kombucha detoxification is a fairly ancient concept. What started as a healing beverage for the Tsin Dynasty soon started spreading its wings to Europe, Asia, Russia, Germany, Denmark, and more. Coming back to the 21st Century, Kombucha today is a tea that holds the power to heal you naturally, from your core. If you’ve found yourself drawn towards nature and the endless benefit natural ingredients bring with itself, this all-natural detox tea Delhi NCR has some unlimited potential for you to explore. 

The Probiotic Beverage That’s Changing The Face of Holistic Healing 

When we say ‘holistic healing’, we are talking about a wide range of mediums that ancient traditions used, apart from medicines, to help cure a person of their fluctuating ailments naturally. Much like acupuncture and yoga, the concept of relieving ailments through a probiotic beverage as potent as Kombucha dates back to the days when people believed the natural herbs had enormous potential to breathe life back into a withering person. The era or those days may have changed today. However, the benefits that once spotlighted Kombucha tea as an ideal health drink still continues to help multiple people across the globe connect with nature, helping them naturally heal themselves with each sip. 

Let’s Do a Quick Nutrition Check, Shall we? 

Now, we have been highlighting the endless benefits that come with Kombucha, but before we take the dive and tell you how a cup of Kombucha every day can keep the doctors far away, let us fill you in on some the nutritional content of Kombucha tea. 

From amino acids to organic acids, polyphenols, and more- Kombucha comes with a wide range of beneficial acids that help you fight the nasty bacteria in your body. However, the real benefits start once the tea is fermented and ready for use. That means this nutritional powerhouse will now be enriched in enzymes, vitamins B and C, sodium, fructose, lactic acid and more. And, just how does this mingling of beneficial nutrition come together to help you?

The Endless Benefits of Kombucha Tea 

An ancient yardstick for healing, Kombucha tea, till this day, brings a wide medley of therapeutic healing, some of which we have streamlined and put together for you:

  • Detoxification- Needless to say, the word ‘detox’ and ‘health’ go side-by-side. In a world where pollution exceeds everything else, detoxifying your inner core with a supple, herbal tea is exactly how your body can regain the lost strength it requires to carry on. 
  • Immunity Growth- This brings us to our second health benefit. Now, toxins swarming around in your body fight off the body’s natural defense system, exposing us to diseases and disorders that we thought could never touch us. From frequently going under the weather to experiencing lack of strength, repeated stomach issues, and more- you can combat all with a flavor-packed Kombucha bottle on the go. 
  • Energy Level Increase- Did you know a recent study revealed that Kombucha tea drinkers were 30% more athletic, both in mind and body than non-herbal tea drinkers? This probiotic beverage is actually known as a high-performance beverage, helping anyone from fitness enthusiasts to professional athletes get that added gain in energy levels. Hence, if you wake up repeatedly feeling fatigued out easily- this could be the lifestyle-changing drink for you. 
  • Weight Loss- Kombucha tea is known as a natural drink for weight loss Delhi NCR because of its antioxidant-enriched metabolism-driving properties. We have all been on the other side of the mirror, eyeing our bulges, struggling to lose the few extra pounds. With the super busy everyday schedule hitting the gym or waking up for that early morning jog seems surreal to a whole lot of busy bees like us. However, a sip from your bottled Kombucha on your way to work sometimes is enough to help you shed some flab. 
  • Diabetes Check- Fluctuating blood sugar levels can take a serious toll on your life. For instance, what happens with your blood sugar on the rise, you can expect your diabetes to nullify a lot of medications including medicines for heart or brain health. This is when Kombucha tea steps in to elevate your blood glucose control letting you keep your diabetes in check. 
  • Cholesterol Control- You knew the endless fast foods and crispy fries were going to catch up to you one day, and even if it did- there’s nothing to worry about. While cholesterol fluctuation is quite possibly one of the deadliest diseases out there, Kombucha tea with its anti-lipidemic properties is known to keep your LDL on the down-low. 
  • Cardiac Control- A lot goes into keeping your delicate cardiac system safe. To begin with, cholesterol and weight gain. Fat depositing in the ventricles or aortas of your heart could lead to possible life-threatening risks in the future. Kombucha tea helping you eliminate cholesterol fluctuation and weight gain significantly. 
  • Liver Health- Liver damage due to alcohol abuse or high-acidity can be reversed thanks to Kombucha. The liver plays many crucial functions in our body, one of which includes toxin filtration. While the liver itself can successfully filter out the toxins, residual toxins gluing itself to the liver can cause hepatoxicity, a condition that can very well be abetted by a steaming cup of kombucha. 
  • Arthritis Assistance- Red, swelling joints and excruciating pain on movement sum up your old-age arthritis in a nutshell. However, glucosamines present in Kombucha tea stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid which is integral for cartilage strength restoration, radical damage restoration, joint lubrication, and more.
  • Mood Elevation- Gone are the days when feeling blue would just be a Monday morning emotion. Currently, the social and environmental conditions are forcing people to live a power-packed schedule, one of the side-effects of which shows up in the form of depression, anxiety, stress-induced anxiety, and more. Kombucha inhibits the stress hormone we call cortisol to keep low, bluing mood under control. 
  • Digestive Balance- From gastrointestinal refluxes to frequent stomach ache due to food poisoning- kombucha tea presents itself as an elixir for all digestive system dilemmas. Kombucha tea is known to soothe down stomach irritation while helping you proactively stir up your digestion process. 
  • Anticancer Potential- Kombucha tea bubbling with anti-microbial properties could possess the ability to abet something as deathly as cancer. Though researchers are still working on this fact, multiple health resources believe Kombucha tea’s cellular restoration and immunity-building properties could prevent or even participate along with other medical treatments to cure cancer. 

A Fine Brew For a Finer You 

These benefits mentioned here are just the tip of the iceberg. If we break down the list, you’d find several, both trivial and crucial, health benefits lurking around in every sip of your kombucha. However, relaxing down, sipping on your steaming cup of herbal tea is a luxury busy-bees like us can’t afford; especially with tight-knit schedules and round-the-clock work modules. This is especially why organic brands like Raw Kombucha have started bottling this probiotic wonder in a beverage form with rich organic flavors allowing you to rethink your concept of health drinks. Let our ‘health in a bottle’ enrich you.

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