Health & Fitness

On the Road to Better Health with Healthy Weight

When one thinks “healthy weight”, it may not necessarily mean being skinny as the current standard of beauty requires. Healthy weight is associated

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Health & Fitness

Incredible Health Benefits of Mushrooms

Mushroom is a food item with nutritional and healing properties. It includes ingredients like amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts. Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, the

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Health & Fitness

Impressive Health Benefits of Artichoke You Never Know

Artichoke Health benefits Whether you have nevermore tried an artichoke before or you have already enjoyed its taste several times, this article will

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Health & Fitness

The Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Buttermilk

Buttermilk Soothes Your Stomach After A Spicy Meal Buttermilk benefits you fight the after impacts of a spicy indulgence. Milk and milk-based products

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