
Are Banned Bollywood Movies A Real Pain To Watch?

Banned Bollywood Movies

If a film is not allowed to be shown in the UK or Australia, then you will either have to travel to those countries or buy a DVD copy from somewhere else. These are films that are deemed to be “abusive” and have many people raising their voices against them, even the film’s stars themselves. The worst part about these films is that you cannot see them in theatres, only on DVD.

In most parts of the world, cinema halls do not want to play these films due to the language used, the violence, and women’s widespread abuse. A few have managed to get their films shown in some cinema halls, but most are not.

All Bollywood lovers need to read about some of the most shocking Bollywood movie bans here to avoid seeing these kinds of films. It may be embarrassing for you to watch Bollywood movies, and you may feel a little embarrassed by watching it, but there is a good chance that you won’t be able to take your mind off it for long.

A highly controversial Bollywood movie that was banned was “Queen”. The film was also based around the rape and murder of a child actress.

This film also had many scenes of the mother and daughter actress being gang-raped. The whole thing became such a vast scandal that even Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee had to come out and say that the film was not that bad and they were being over-cautious in banning it.

There have been many other Bollywood movies banned from UK and Australia too. However, the best movies that were not banned but not shown include “Sakhtamudi”, “Maneesh”, “Khaaara”, “Sholay “Tollywood “Chandak”.

It is no longer the case today that all Bollywood movies are banned, and all Bollywood movies are allowed. Movies have also made huge advancements, thanks to the Internet.

The internet is flooded with websites that allow users to see all the big names and new Bollywood movies. Some sites even show pictures and clips of their films so that you can check them out and decide if you wish to view them.

Nowadays, we can watch Bollywood movies, even if they were not released theatrically in the country. If you want to see Bollywood movies, why not join a few websites which offer online movie rentals and view all the Bollywood classics without paying for a single dime? You will be happy that you did.

All these websites are free of cost to the viewers, and it is relatively easy for them to find the best movies according to their choice. You can choose the movies according to your preference and watch them whenever you wish. Most websites even offer free trailers for the movies.

Once you have watched your favorite Bollywood movie on the website, you can share the movie on social media sites, which is another way the Bollywood industry has taken up to reach out to more people worldwide. Today most of the films have the opportunity to be shared and spread across the Internet.

Some of today’s best movies are available online, so make sure that you keep yourself abreast of all the latest movies by visiting various websites. To stay updated. You can find movies that will be loved by your family and friends.

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