
How to Choose the Perfect Sunglasses!

Ray Ban

Planning to buy a new pair of glares which will cool your eyes and make you look fabulous? Great! But you need to take into consideration certain things so that you can buy the best pair of sunglasses. Here are a few tips that will help you choose the ideal sunglasses.

Ray Ban

The Shape And Size Of The Sunglasses :

One of the most important things is style. Sunglasses are available in different shapes like round, oval, square etc. There are different sizes of sunglasses available. Keep in mind that the basic idea about wearing sunglasses is to protect the eyes. Therefore you must opt for sunglasses which will cover a maximum portion of the eyes. Keep this point in mind when you finalise the shape and size of the sunglasses.

The Shape Of Your Face:

Protection of eyes is of prime importance but at the same time, the sunglasses should gel well with the shape of your face. People with square shape must opt for a round frame. In case the person has a round face then they must consider angular frames. If you have an oval shape then you must consider aviators which have a thin metal frame and the lenses are of a teardrop shape. If you want to look glamorous then you may try oversized frames that celebrities use.

Colour Of The Lenses:

The colour of the lens will have an effect on the contrast. Grey lenses will reduce the intensity of light. Brown lenses will help in enhancing contrasts to a certain extent. Amber and yellow colour lenses are not suited for activities like driving. Blue and green colours will also help in enhancing contrast. It is also important to check that there is no wave distortion in the lenses.

The Material of the Lenses:

Earlier the only option was glass which is heavy and can break easily. These days you have the choice of plastic lenses. Polycarbonate is scratch resistant. Acrylic lenses are cheap but are not very durable.

Opting For A Good Brand:

We agree that cost is an important factor when you have to buy sunglasses. But it is not in your good interest to consider only the cost. If you want to give the best protection to the eyes then you must buy branded sunglasses online which make no compromises with the quality.

Do Not Forget The Ultimate Goal:

When you are buying sunglasses remember that you do not need them to increase the cosmetic value. You are buying them for protection of your eyes. Therefore opt for sunglasses which give protection from UV rays and which will cover the eyes properly.

These days you do not have to leave the comfort of your home to buy the best pair of sunglasses. There are some very good and reputed online stores which have a huge collection of the best quality sunglasses. Depending on your budget and requirement just compare the different sunglasses online and buy the one which fulfils all your requirements. Reputed online stores will also give you some really good deals on the best brands of sunglasses.

Siddharth Opticals offers you an effective solution for your eyesight so that you can protect your eyes and keep them healthy. You can get here the best eyeglass for your eyes.

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