Digital Marketing

How to Get Targeted Traffic From USA, Canada, UK and Australia


Traffic is very important for every blog. Traffic is like the Fuel in the car. If there is no fuel in the car then the car is useless similarly if a blog does not receive traffic then your blog is useless whether you wrote precious information on your blog. Every blogger has a dream that their blog receives enormous traffic from whole the world. But it is not an easy task. A popular blog receives a lot amount of traffic from different search engines, forums, and social media sites, etc. And that traffic is from different countries depending upon the keyword search.

Niche is very important for receiving good traffic. For example, in Pakistan, the insurance or car donation keywords have a very low rate for searching. But countries like the USA, Canada, etc are interested in insurance and car donation. And keyword searching rate in USA and Canada for insurance and car donation is high as compared to other countries. USA, Canada, UK, and Australia are also known as T1 countries. T1 countries traffic is very important for any blog to rank in search engines and also for making huge money by AdSense,, etc via blogging. So according to this importance, I am going to write some tips to get traffic from T1 countries.

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Importance Of Traffic of USA, Canada, UK, and Australia:

These four countries are highly developed now. And they consist of a large population. They are interested in online shopping and other online activities. That’s why advertisers are giving a lot of money to USA users. The USA, Canada traffic is very important in Adsense. It will give higher RPM which will increase AdSense earnings. These countries’ traffic is also very important for the popularity of your blog.

Techniques To Get Traffic From, Canada, USA, Uk, and Australia:

There are different ways to get a massive amount of visitors from these countries. Below I have discussed different topics to get traffic from T1 countries.

Search For Keywords That Have high Searching Rate In USA, Canada:

Keywords are very important for a blog. Because it shows search engines and our visitors what niche is our blog about. Suppose you have a blog about games and you have posted games in it. Then countries like India, Pakistan, etc will more search than the USA visitors. So you have to search high searching keywords from the USA and other T1 countries which will be your best organic source to receive a huge amount of traffic from these countries. You can check that keyword from Google Trends, Keywordspy, etc

Submit Blog/Site In USA Directories

Directories are also another important source to get traffic from t1 countries. Like the Phone directories where you search different phone numbers of different people and places, there are also directories for the blogs from which you can get huge traffic. People who are interested in your niche will visit that blog directory instead of searching his selected topic. So here is about the USA and Canada traffic. There are different directories where you can add your blog URL like Bloglines, Blogdigger, USAblogdirectory, etc. More you can search on Google.

Share Your Blog on Social Media Sites:

Social media sites are also another source for getting a huge number of traffic from the USA and Canada. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc are now used by every educated person. There are a lot of people who have registered on it. So we have to take advantage of that by sharing our blog posts with that users. There are so many USA groups on Facebook. Join USA people groups and share your posts there. You can do the same with other T1 countries. This is a very easy source to get traffic from the USA, Canada, etc.

Do comment On USA, Canada Websites:

Commenting on other blogs is also an easy way to get traffic. It creates a backlink when you post a comment on different sites. If the site’s post receives 1K daily traffic and you have commented on that post and inserted your site’s URL their than you will surely get a fair amount of traffic from that site. But if a site is receiving traffic from the USA, Canada, etc, then you must comment on that with your site URL to get traffic USA traffic from that site. You can search different popular sites which receive traffic from the USA, Canada, etc.
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Final Words:

The Conclusion for the above post is that USA, Canada, and other T1 countries traffic is very important for every blog. Traffic from those countries also gives high RPM in Adsense. But getting traffic from these countries is not easy. You have to just spend your spare time on your PC and do the above steps. Hope you like my above post. If you have any problems than never feel hesitation to drop a comment below.

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