Digital Marketing

6 Important Features in Instagram Marketing 2020

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably a marketer looking to advertise on Instagram to make a digital presence and to reach a wider audience. Instagram is one of the trendy social networks in the current generation. Though is a well-known social media among the audience more than a dozen of people are actively using Instagram. This platform helps you to connect to the audience visually and make them totally engaged. We can use this platform in a way to promote all kinds of products and services with the visual feed which helps to promote your brand’s uniqueness.

Instagram allows you to create stories ads, picture ads, video ads, carousel ads, collection ads and ads in explore. Like on all social channels the above formats can be used to promote the business. If you need any assistance regarding the Instagram ads we the  is looking forward to helping you. Let me guide you with the ads that are available on the Instagram platform.


Here Instagram lets your ad to be displayed for 24 hrs which can be a video, picture or even just content to promote your business. This story can also be used to collect ideas and tastes of the viewers through various ways like taking a poll, quiz or likeness measure.


This lets you display the canvas of your business in a portrait or a landscape form. Instagram runs this canvas through all the 500 million users on Instagram platform. It also lets you add your website URL of your page. Picture ads get displayed according to each user to his or her own interest and taste.


Instagram lets you display a 60 seconds video content of your ad to the users. This 60 seconds video should be short and crisp which should be able to show all the traits and motives of your business.


This is a campaign where Instagram lets to swipe for more photos and videos in a single ad. It is more or less the same as the picture ads but you can more than just one ad.


Through collection ads, Instagram lets you visually inspire the audience. This is an effective way to promote your business. It pushes your audience more compared to other ads to buy your product.


This is a commonplace where users get to see the feed of other pages that they follow. So Instagram lets you display your ad here even to those who don’t follow your Instagram page.

There are more features on Instagram which lets us check number of conversions your ad gets in a day. It lets you keep a count on the number of users who visit, contact and the ones who buy your products.

It’s almost impossible to ignore social media because it influences everyday life and also increases the opportunity for business. Engage your audience and build customer relationships using the Ads.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

On a fundamental level, influencer marketing is done when a celebrity or an idol endorses a product by using all kinds of creative ways to attract his audience towards the product he or she recommends. Digital marketing companies that provide online marketing services for their clients use influencer marketing as their number one strategy since it is considered as the most effective and easiest amongst the rest.
In 2018, Mediakix surveyed marketers to see what their feelings on influencers were for the new year. Out of which 89% said that the ROI from the influencers are comparable or even better than the other networks.
The best part about influencer marketing is that it could be done by anyone. The only criteria that have to be fulfilled here are that the influencer must have the appropriate amount of audience to sell the product to and how to attract your audience? Well, we shall leave that to you! Not exactly though. There are a few strategies in Influencer Marketing that can be followed to improve your followers.

Choose your audience

If you want a slice of the influencer pie, you need to stand out.
Choosing your audience can help you filter your audience from the rest, which makes it easier to focus on those who would like to watch your content. 

Use HQ content

High-Quality images that educate inspire or entertain people rather than a blurry selfie or a dimly lit food picture that doesn’t typically attract droves of raving fans always wins.
So always be choosy about the content you post. Remember, content is the key.

Create your own signature style

Sticking to one specific design for your feed makes you stand apart from the crowd. It also increases engagement by keeping people on your feed longer as they’ll feel compelled to like more pictures as they scroll down your feed. Having your own style also means having your own engagement strategy to maintain your feed which attracts the investors.

Consistency Period

There is nothing else that can help you other than your consistency towards the content you produce. Staying consistent with the content you provide will help you develop your plan to maintain your feed.
Use tools like Later or Planolyto plan out your feed for the week. Take your time to make your content, write your captions, choose your hashtags, you’ll automatically start to see engagement in your followers.


The most successful Instagram influencers don’t post a photo and log out of the app.
Instead, there’s usually a question in their caption, and they spend time replying to comments, DMs, and engaging with other accounts.


The beauty of an influencer campaign is that regardless of your business goals and objective results can be measured. This is another method to promote the business like. Using campaigns setting up a campaign is to make a high budget along with reviews. Once you gotten the rhythm you will add on additional influencer for your business.

PIQUED is synonymous with curiosity. This philosophy runs at the core of our business. We are the top rated Digital Marketing Company in chennai where we firmly believe in our tailor made SEO and Digital Marketing Services.

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