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Latest 35 Laravel 5 Interview Questions and Answers for 2019

Get latest and top most common asked laravel 5 interview questions with answers at Best Interview Questions for laravel 5 freshers and experienced candidates or professionals. I am sharing some fo top laravel 5 interview questions below.

Laravel 5 Q & A

Laravel 5 Best Interview Questions

What is Laravel 5?
Explain the difference between Laravel 4 and Laravel 5?
What is routing in Laravel 5 and how we can use it?
What do you mean by Composer?
What do you mean by Eloquent used in Laravel 5?
What are the Server Requirements for installing Laravel 5.7? Explain step by step.
What are the directory structure of Laravel 5.7?
What are the new features in Laravel 5.7? Explain
How to generate & update the Application Key in laravel 5?
How to enable query log in laravel 5?
What is database migration used in Laravel 5? Explain
What are the benefits of Laravel over other Php frameworks? Explain
How to create subdomain routing in Laravel 5?
How to create route name in Laravel 5?
What does csrf token in laravel 5?
How to create & register a service provider in laravel 5?
What do you mean by Elixir used in Laravel?
How to enable/disable maintenance mode in Laravel 5?
Explain, how to get current environment in Laravel 5?
What are the Databases Laravel supports?
What do you maen by Method Spoofing in Laravel 5?
How to register a middleware in Laravel 5?
What do you mean by make() Method?
What do you mean by Binding in Laravel?
What do you mean by Dusk used in Laravel 5?
What do you mean by Horizon in Laravel 5?
What do you mean by Tagging used in Laravel 5?
What do you mean by Boot & Register Method used in Laravel 5?
Lists the available Router Methods used in Laravel 5?
What do you mean by Route Groups used in Laravel 5?
What do you mean by View Composers?
What is Monolog library in Laravel?
What is Valet used in laravel 5?
What do you mean by database seeding in laravel?
What do you mean by terminable Middleware?
What do you mean by Laravel Mix?
What do you mean by Reverse Routing in Laravel 5?
Explain the enhancement features of laravel 5.8?

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