App Development Electronics

Mobile Applications: A Growing Trend in the E-learning Industry

Mobile Applications

Pre Covid-19 e-learning scenario:

If you look at the concept of remote and online studies, the concept was successful even before the Covid-19. With benefits such as all-time access to study material and the opportunity to learn from industry experts and subject matter experts, e-learning has its own niche and target audience.

Apart from that, there are also exclusive courses for executives and professionals to develop and learn new skills under certification courses and create better job opportunities with them. Also, there were many B2B e-learning enterprise applications where two universities merged their courses overseas and provided course materials and online lectures via digital platforms.

The changes that the world witnesses in E-learning after Covid-19:

But, after the Covid-19 restrictions, educational institutes and learners from across the globe have been inclined to adopt online studies. What is different after Covid-19 is that there has been complete digitalization of the learning and administrative processes and with the increased demand, the IT industry has also made some phenomenal upgrades to their e-learning platforms to attract these huge inflows of customers.

While e-learning was prominent even before the Covid-19, what the pandemic did is that it gave way to Innovation and a huge push to Mobile Applications. Because, if you look at the recent trends of e-learning platforms, all the successful and giant platforms are personalized Mobile Applications with each having its unique offerings and User Experience design. Also, with the Adobe Flash shutting down and browsers removing support of it, the web legacy applications that were running on Adobe had to either make a transition of their data to some other technology such as HTML5 or just let their platform become obsolete.

E-learning Market Potential:

Now that you understand the factors, let’s understand their impact! It is predicted that the e-learning industry will grow from $101 Billion in 2019 to $370 Billion by the end of 2026! (Source) It is also predicted that the e-learning platforms that provide personalized learning experiences will push out the legacy LMS (Learning Management Systems) out of the market by the end of 2021. Also, self-learning applications that were a rage previously are now declining every year with more platforms emerging that provide online classes from peers and experts. (Source)

So, if you believe the statistics, the legacy systems are being pushed away from the market as new and innovative mobile e-learning platforms enter the market. So, if you wish to make a fortune from the $370 Billion projection, you must collaborate with an ideal Mobile App Development service provider that can deliver a robust online e-learning mobile application with a delightful User Experience and innovative functionalities.

While the User Experience of the application is dependent upon the purpose, functionalities and end-user expectations, there are certain trends that you can integrate into your application to make your platform innovative. These trends are revolutionizing the e-learning market and can help you create a relevant and innovative online e-learning mobile application.

6 Trends that are Revolutionizing the Online E-learning Mobile App market:

Personalized e-learning Mobile App:

Mobile Apps are the cornerstone of success in the e-learning industry The mobile learning (mLearning) market is projected to reach nearly $79 billion by 2025. With a lot of education aspects being digitized, there has been a huge demand for e-learning mobile applications for different purposes. On one end there is a huge requirement of Mobile Apps for learning processes such as live video streaming studies, homework assignments, online exams and assessments. And on the other end, there is also demand for mobile apps of administrative processes such as admission process, sports and team management to task and timetable management via personalized calendars.

While some are creating open market applications for institutes by digitizing certain processes, many are serving a specific niche of the education industry with personalized enterprise mobile applications. But, if you are to succeed in the mobile app market, you must do extensive research and create a Mobile Application that addresses the pain points of the end customers and also make sure that people are willing to pay for such services.

Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) for immersive learning:

In any stream of education, certain environments and concepts are difficult to access in reality. But, with the use of technologies such as Augmented Reality which is presenting scenarios with the camera lens of the Smartphone, Virtual Reality which is about creating a virtual environment and witnessing it first-hand with VR devices and Mixed Reality which is the combination of AR and VR, students and professionals are getting the immersive learning experience. With 3D images, videos and virtual environments at your corner, you can revolutionize any branch of studies and deliver the best learning experiences to your target audience.

Increased use of Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Learning:

Artificial Intelligence is bringing personalized learning to the table with its user-behavior understanding capabilities. Whether it is about suggesting lessons or tracking individual processes, AI can help deliver a personalized user experience to your audience. AI is also used as virtual assistants for learners to guide and help them. These virtual assistants are usually integrated as voice assistants and their adaptability is increasing amongst the e-learning platforms.

AI is also used as a response management system via Chatbots to address the concerns and questions of visitors and users. Apart from that, many such platforms use AI for learning analytics in which the AI observes and records the progress and activities of learners and provides them dynamic and real-time reports of their performance. The role of AI is so prominent in the e-learning industry that it is predicted half of learning management tools by IT enterprises will be assisted by AI in one or more ways. (Source)

Integration of Gamification for fun learning experience:

Gamification is all about incentivizing the progress of a learner on an e-learning platform. With the help of different badges, leader boards and other such methods, e-learning platforms are creating a competitive environment for the learners on their platforms. This technique not only makes the learning fun, but it also prompts and encourages users to engage more with the application and make optimum use of the competitions that are for a limited time or which require daily login and other such conditions. If you want your e-learning Mobile Application to stay on top of the minds of your customers, Gamification is the best way to do it.

Rich-media and animation:

Facebook once commented that Video content will dominate the virtual world by the end of 2022 and this phenomenon seems to be relevant for the e-learning industry too! Whether it is about fuelling the creativity of the students with animation or providing access to experts with video lectures, video content and rich media is preferred by the users.

Micro-learning Approach:

Micro-learning is the latest trend in the e-learning market. Whether it is used to provide training to employees or to educate students with micro-content, micro-learning is being adapted by numerous e-learning platforms. In this approach, the platform breaks an educational course into small micro video contents or learning sessions that are not more than 10-15 minutes. With this approach, for those who cannot dedicate long hours or for those who cannot provide undivided attention for a long time, micro-learning is the best approach for such people. Not only that, it is statistically found by experts that micro-learning makes studies more efficient by 17%. (Source)

Innovation is the key to delightful user experiences:

If you look at the core of all these trends, they are nothing but means of creating a better learning experience for the users. Whether you integrate these trends or create new ways to engage users, the point is to think from the customer-centric perspective and collaborate with an ideal App Development Company that can execute your vision into a robust mobile application.

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

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