Packer & Movers Services

Some Easy Hacks to Pack Books and Bookshelf for Moving

If you have a bookshelf to move from your current location in Mumbai to Delhi, then you should take some measures in order to ensure that the relocation will take place safely and will be successful. You can also take the help of professional packers and movers in Mumbai to ease your stress. But, if you are planning to do it alone then, be careful and learn the best tips for moving bookshelves which are usually heavy and inconvenient to move. But even if you have a small home library, the advice we’ve got here for you can help you organize more efficiently the move of your books and their shelves. Let’s get started.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your bookshelf is, if you are a vivid reader then it will definitely be your concern. Let’s get started.

Pack your books first

First things first, remove all the books present on your bookshelf in order to move it conveniently. Moreover, books have their own weight and the piece of furniture you want to move is also very heavy, it is very difficult to lift them together. Books can fall off the shelf if you even try to move them together. There must be some of the books that you might find dusty, clean them properly before you pack them.

• Optimize the collection of your books

A book is not something that is fragile or can break or crack if not handled properly. But they become super heavy to be lifted when they are packed in a box. If you lift a single book it is easy to be lifted and isn’t heavy at all but the moment you put 5 books together then things will definitely become different. That is the reason moving books is not considered that easy as it seems. So the first and the foremost thing that you need to do is to optimize them and take the once that are necessary or very close to your heart.

• Sort them out

Books looser their value as the time passes by. Some of the copies get damaged when they are not stored properly and some of them gets depreciated and lose their original worth entirely

1. Those that doesn’t hold any worth and if any of your friend share the same interest as you in reading then you can gift those books to your friend.

2. The books that are totally worn out then you can send them for recycling.

• Get all the packing supplies

It is not very tough to pack books but still you need a lot of packing material to protect them in transit. Make sure you buy good quality of packing material otherwise if any of the boxes end up opening during transportation then it will be like calling problems by yourself

1. Packing boxes

Make sure you buy the boxes that are strong enough to hold the load of books. They should be perfectly clean, dry and perfectly free from any kind of pre-existing damage.

2. Packing paper

Make sure the packing paper you use is soft enough and water-resistant

3. Newspapers

You can use newspapers to fill in the empty spaces in the cardboard so that the books don’t move here and there in the box.

4. Packing tape

Get good quality of packing tape to secure the boxes from getting opened in transit.

5. A marker

Get a bold marker of red or black colour to label the boxes.

• Make your books even more efficient for 100% security

1. Check the boxes you plan to use for moving your books – inspect each book box carefully and make sure they don’t have any kind of pre-existing holes or any sign of damage. Remember that the books are heavy to be moved if the boxes are not reliable

2. Also, you can apply an extra layer of packing tape to the bottom of each book box to ensure that there are negligible chances to break any box under considerable pressure.

3. You can also add one more layer in the bottom of the box by placing a packing paper before placing your books.

• Arrange your books properly in the boxes

There are three different ways to arrange books in moving containers.

1. Arrange the books standing upright in a way that open parts are facing the sides of the box. Do not pack books with their open sides facing the inside of the box otherwise it will become difficult for you to set the next layer and also to unpack when you reach your new house.

2. Place the heavier copies in the bottom and the lighter once on the top.

3. When you pack all the books to be transported to your new house then fill all large gaps inside the box with crumpled pieces of newspaper or crumpled paper to ensure no printed works move inside the container during the transit.

• You can also pack books in a suitcase

You can use a much stronger and bigger moving container equipped with its own wheels. If you own a travel suitcase with wheels at the bottom, then take full advantage of it and the books that the heaviest so that you don’t have to carry the containers from your hands and can drag the suitcase effortlessly. It is a quick process to be executed.

• Follow the rules of safety

• It is important to keep the main safety tips in mind before packing anything for moving and the same goes while packing books.

• It is more convenient small to medium sized boxes for packing books properly.

• Even if those containers that you have purchased to pack are brand new, seal the corners of your books with a good quality tape

• Always place the heavy books in the bottom and the lighter once on the top

How to pack a bookshelf

If it is possible to unscrew the shelves of the books shelf then do that so that it becomes more convenient to move. Pack all the shelves separately with packing paper and bubble wrap and then put them in the cardboard box to prevent any damages. Don’t forget to small pieces like screws in a plastic bag and keep it with the shelves so you can easily fix them when you reach your new address. If your bookshelf or cabinet is large then use moving sliders to transport them safely.

By now, you must have perfectly understood about the dynamic ways to pack you books during your relocation. If not, call movers and packers in Mumbai for your moving assistance.

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