Digital Marketing

Top 5 Tips to Use Content Marketing During This Lockdown

Content Marketing Strategy

As we all know during this downturn, marketing is getting more and more complicated. And, new strategies are going to implementing for smooth business. Are your marketing strategies or activities are getting impacted, and not getting much interaction that you have wished for?

Covid-19 is day by day is getting harder and impacting online businesses. The brands are also facing a lot of issues of engagements, the reaction of their consumer on their brand due to this Covid-19. Moreover, they know their targeting audience, and they are not engaging with their content right now.

Brands are trying to find to come out of this situation. Even though, nobody could have imagined the impact of this COVID-19 on various sectors including marketing. But, yes it is, it has impacted enormously. In the future, it is going to be huge and there might not be any light at the end of the road.

To be honest, this is the fact and it will happen.

As per the recent research by world federation, almost 83% of multinationals have stopped their running campaigns which would definitely affect their annual revenue. Digital spends are falling by 16.7%. We are extremely in a bad situation as the perspective of internet marketing.

We are going through a lean phase of marketing. But, tell me or do you think that marketers would sit idle and wait for the crisis to end up? No, not at all.

In adversity lies opportunity, which is the perfect time to go complete kill on your digital marketing and advertising efforts.

Your competitors, may or might not be eager about advertising, but that doesn’t mean, you should ignore it. You should be up in the game of marketing; it is an opportunity to win the game by improvising the content strategy. Content is everything, like a proverb content, is a king. Content plays an important role the marketing, whether it is offline or online marketing.

So here, how can you make the most of content to drive more attraction towards your brand?

  1. Audit Your Content on priority Basis

Just looking at all the metrics of your campaign is not a new thing, you can edit or re-evaluate as per your convenient. Revit the content that you have posted through Google Analytics and check which content is performing and which don’t.

For example, suppose you have not started video content, then start doing that. A press release might not work for you, is that? Need to check this as well.

Such things you need to consider while doing content marketing, otherwise, you will be far behind. A decision has to be taken on a quick basis, after all, you know your target audience. Entertainment is a must, so keep entertain your audience by posting videos, infographics that would help for more engagement. But make sure Quality or quantity.

  1. Best way to Video Route


As we all know videos are playing a crucial role, so start implementing the videos, but not complicates the things.

As chart shoes 48% of consumers will make the decision to see products and services related videos, actually, they are interested in it. This is one of the examples that would help you to gain more interaction.

With 88% of the video, marketers say that video is playing a crucial role and helping them to get better ROI.

Make it simple and just talk about your products and services and see how it would help the consumers.

And, also tell them how you are helping them in your own way in the current situation.

3) Extensively Comprehensive Content

You might not have had the time to write long-form of content like eBooks, Press-release, white papers, or case studies. To be honest, there are various benefits of using a long-form of content. Writing such long of content would help in SEO as well.

Your content should emerge as a solution for any kind of query. This will help to make brand building and reputation

4) Create a Content Search Intent-Based

Ask yourself these questions that Am I providing the right content to consumers? If not, then start thinking about it.

Research what people are looking for or what kind of information they are looking for? Pull your shocks and research more about people at home, what information might they be looking for?

They might be looking for some service-based content, some motivation content, or products based content. Providing the right content at the right place, at the right time would help you to gain more attraction.

In short, simply give them what they are looking for.

5) Last but not the least, keep posting Content

Don’t fold your hands and sit back!!

If you got a content idea, let put them on board. Keep writing content as much as you can. More content means more engagement, but quality content. Content creation is one of the most affordable strategies when other marketing strategy stops working.

Create Blogs, Video, image, infographics as much as you can!!

Basecamp Digital is leading digital marketing institute in Andheri. Learn Digital with Pritesh Patel.

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

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