Digital Marketing

Twitter search tool for better uses

About 500 million tweets are sent daily from Twitter users. I can’t imagine discovering all of them. Today I would like to share these hidden Twitter tricks with you: Twitter Advanced Search Usage. If you’re already using Twitter, you’ll almost certainly find that you have a query engine. If there is a particular keyword there, Twitter will list the tweeted video and all the photos that count the keywords related to the user. Make your business look more unique with this advanced Twitter search tool.

This is a great tool to find out what your viewers are trying to find and what your competitors are.

Until. However, Twitter has a more powerful search tool, which is Twitter’s advanced search tool. This allows you to further refine your search, making it easier and more accurate to find what you are trying to find.

How to use Twitter Advanced Search?

To access Twitter’s advanced search tools, you must first enter a keyword in the search box

Then click the menu next to the other options on the results page and select Advanced Search.

Alternatively, you can log in to Twitter to access

Then type in the box that corresponds to what you are trying to find.

So if you run an SEO business in the US and are looking for a client, look for someone who tweeted that you need SEO assistance in the US.

Using advanced Twitter search. If you are already using Twitter, you will surely find that you are using the query engine. If there is a specific keyword there, Twitter will list all the photos that the tweeted videos count and the keywords related to the user. Make your business look more unique with this advanced Twitter search tool.

This is a great tool to find out what your viewers are trying to find and what your competitors are.

Until. However, Twitter has more powerful search tools which are Twitter’s advanced search tools. This allows you to further refine your search and find what you are looking for more easily and accurately.

How to use Twitter’s advanced search?

To access Twitter’s advanced search tools, you must first enter a keyword in the search box

Then click the menu next to the other options on the results page and select Advanced Search.

Please access this: conflict-news

Alternatively, you can log into Twitter and go to

Then write in the box that corresponds to what you are trying to find.

So if you have an SEO business in the US and you are looking for a client, find someone who has tweeted that they need SEO assistance in the US.

To do this, I would like to get SEO help alongside the current exact phrase, but I can tell Twitter that I just want to find the person who tweeted that exact phrase.

Then scroll down and add the United States based on location.

You can also choose a date range so that the leads are not too old. Advanced search

Then click on Search and Twitter will endorse your leads and support your selection criteria as shown below. I need SEO help

How do I follow my competitors using advanced Twitter search?

You can also use Twitter’s advanced search tools to find potential competitive customers.

For example, suppose you are in the SEO industry and your main competitor is XYZ and you want to know who is interacting with you.

Just enter a keyword-like SEO tool next to the current exact phrase and enter your competitor’s username. In this case, use @XYZ (@SEOprofiler) after mentioning these accounts. For example, this is usually the goal.


Track athletes
Twitter lists all tweets directed at @ SEOprofiler, including the keyword SEO tool. You can then start a conversation with these people and build relationships with them via Twitter. The sky is the limit that advanced Twitter search can reach, and you can dig as deep as you need.

To do this, I’d like SEO help next to the current exact phrase, but I can tell Twitter that I just want to find the person who tweeted that exact sentence.

Then scroll down and add the United States depending on the location.

You can also choose a date range so that the leads aren’t too old. Advanced search

Then click Search and Twitter will support your leads and support your selection criteria as shown below. I need SEO help

How do I track my competitors using Twitter’s advanced search?

You can also use Twitter’s advanced search tools to find leads from competitors.

For example, suppose you are in the SEO industry and your main competitor is XYZ and you want to know who is interacting with it.

Simply enter a keyword-like SEO tool next to the current exact phrase and enter your competitor’s username. In this case, use @XYZ (@SEOprofiler) after mentioning these accounts. This is often the purpose, for example.


Track the athlete
Twitter lists all tweets directed to @SEOprofiler, including the keyword SEO tool. You can then start a conversation with these people and build relationships with them via Twitter. The sky is the limit of what Twitter’s advanced search can achieve, and you can dig as deep as you need.

Use Twitter’s advanced search to truly transcend Twitter noise and turn social media into a potential generator. Very few people understand this tool, so this is really your chance to beat your competition.

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