Web Design & Development

What are PHP and its frameworks? List of latest PHP frameworks!

PHP is the strongest and effective programming language which is useful for developing dynamic websites and applications. Over so many years, PHP web designing and development is continuously updated which has made this programming language highly interactive and is allowed to create application and structure which is useful at a mass scale in today’s world of technology. Our company has the vast knowledge and experience of offering web development services using the popular language of PHP. We are totally into the PHP programming with different kinds of services with the attractive designing process such as content management, website promotion online as well as other services.

 What are PHP frameworks?

In this software development world, the word ‘framework’ is used for the libraries of files which includes the basic functions. The main aim of the framework is to offer you with the foundation you can use it to develop the projects more effectively. For doing that, it will include many of the functions you had to code it from the ground if you wish to start it from scratch.

Just suppose that you are trying to make a new dish. You need to buy many ingredients for where you need to prepare it in one specific way. thus, you also had access to some basics like pans, knives, pots and cutting board. In this instance, all of those kitchen essentials would be the parts of the basic frameworks. Without them, you can start from nothing every time.

Frameworks work in the same way, to keep you from having a constant reinventing of the wheel. If you wish to develop the new PHP application, then a great place is to look for the framework which includes all the functions that you need to use it. Luckily, there are some options for choosing from.

To develop a website from its scratch had lots of work to do. In such cases, you have to recreate functions which have already been made thousands of times, which is now as efficient as reinventing the wheel.

List of PHP frameworks –

  • CodeIgniter
  • Zend
  • Laravel
  • Symfony
  • Phalcon
  • Yii
  • CakePHP
  • FuelPHP

Diverse Solutions with PHP Framework

CMS – Content Management System
CRM – Customer relationship management
Websites and Portals
E-commerce Shopping Carts
B2C & B2B Marketplaces
E-Learning Portals
Social Networking Websites

Benefits of using PHP frameworks

  • We help you to speed up the custom web application development
  • Fulfill all complex business requirements
  • We deliver a rich user experience
  • Help to accelerate custom web application development
  • Simplifies the application maintenance of web system

Here are the exclusive benefits of using our services –

  • Higher ROI for Business
  • CRM Application Development
  • Customized Management Support
  • Timely PHP Updates
  • Budget-friendly PHP Solutions
  • Excessive Designing Layouts
  • Agile Development Ideas
  • Easy Communications
  • Free Trial Offer

Advantages of PHP frameworks to the web application of users with the help of Wemonde –

  • It does not depend on the readability and maintainability of codes.
  • We make the simple maintenance and development of web application
  • You can get the benefit of MVC infrastructure.
  • Our company helps you to works with data more effectively and efficiently.
  • We works with programmers with a number of relational databases
  • Simplifies operations of the database
  • We help you to automates the common web development tasks
  • We help you to remove your manual work completely
  • Our company provides your backup of data.
  • We help you to protect sites from the targeted attack securely.
  • No raise in the web development cost and charges.

Wemonde specializes in creating the PHP services belonging to every niche. Our responsive website and application services give ace PHP framework, programming, scripting and product development solutions. If you are looking to join hands with a trusted digital marketing firm, which could give you the best PHP and application management services, then Wemonde is the perfect partner for you!

Wemonde is one of the fast-growing and leading global IT service provider company based in Gurgaon, India. We specialize in providing quick, highly effective solutions to enrich your business’ needs. Our company offers a wide range of services which includes Web development, App & iOS development, Graphic design, Email marketing, Digital Marketing & Mobile Solutions as well.

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