
Top 6 Car Travel Mistakes & How To AVOID THEM

Welcome to Atlanta! This is the most pleasant city to walk in. The city is large, very, and extremely comfortable. Sure enough, the first thing to do is to find the right way to get around the city and surrounding areas. How to? Of course, Atlanta is a green walkable territory but it also has some public transportation for everyone’s comfort.

It's Sunday night, Atlanta!!!

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Instead, you may rent a car and drive outside the city to visit the Blue Ridge Mountains, Stone Mountain Park, and other neighborhoods. Even the service of exotic car rental in Atlanta prices not much so that you are able to afford it. Which transportation variant to choose?

Atlanta Streetcar


Getting around Atlanta

You can stay away from cars and buses in Atlanta if only you could find a hotel in the tourist area you are interested in. That’s so comfortable and absolutely doable. However, the areas surrounding Atlanta are also beautiful and worth visiting. The number of small towns is big. They attract you with their historical and natural beauties, museums, folk festivals, and street markets. How to get there? 

By taxi 

When you need to get from one place to another, you can catch a taxicab. Especially, people take taxi when they need to travel between the airport and their hotel or other tourist areas. Taxi can take you everywhere in the city. 

By rental car

Atlanta travelers, who really want to explore the city, always try to rent a car. Having a car, the city neighborhoods and business districts are easily accessible. Traffic can be a problem for all the tourist drivers. There is a way to travel around the city easily. Just avoid the rush hours – 7 to 9 am and 4 to 7 pm. Morning and evening are always busy in Atlanta.

Walking and biking

Stop the car and go walking around every time you feel like you want to stretch your legs a bit. Also, you can ride a bike and have a short ride through the city parks or neighborhoods. Atlanta has plenty of green areas to feed your love of nature.

Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta, Georgia

Travel mistakes and what to do INSTEAD

  1. Don’t tie to one travel route only!

Just try to build up your travel route in accordance with many circumstances, such as weather, distance, travel budget. Try to be a flexible traveler and never feel fear of stopping the car and changing your plans. If you rent a car, you are free to stop whenever you want and go where you even didn’t expect to.

  1. Don’t overpack!

If you rent a car, you will have enough space for luggage. It would be great if you could find a car with a lot of space for passengers also. The biggest advantage of car rental is that you can travel fully packed. Traveling by bus or train, don’t overpack. Just pack only what you think you’ll use during the trip. You don’t need extra weight, do you?

  1. Don’t forget about your budget when traveling

Always consider your budget! Of course, you want to experience a new country in your own way. It is not a problem if you have enough money to rent a car, book a luxury hotel, and dine in the best restaurants every day. There are no restrictions at all! If you are limited in budget, just try to create a realistic trip according to your opportunities. Follow your budget and never forget to pack some extra money.

Credit Cards In Wallet 2

  1. Don’t forget your documents and cards

You can’t book a hotel or rent a car without documents and your credit card. Just double-check your documents, bookings, and reservations before you go. If you have an opportunity to prepay for a rental car or hotel, do it. This will be your guarantee that you’ll get that particular car or suite. 

  1. Don’t stick to the popular tourist trail only

Where to go and what to see in Atlanta? Any plans? It is a good idea to make a travel plan beforehand. Check the map and mark the places you want to visit. Don’t stick to the tourist guide only. You may ask locals and other tourists about the best visited and the most interesting tourist spots. Accept everyone’s help!

  1. Don’t forget to consider the different time zones

Traveling by car or taking a flight to a new country, try to consider the different time zones between these places. Use this information wisely when booking a hotel or planning an evening hangout with friends. 

You’ll have the greatest trip to Atlanta by car if you follow the recommendations. Plan everything beforehand and try to AVOID Don’ts. There are many useful things you can do instead.

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