Food & Beverage

Healthy Snacks Recipe Ideas To Enjoy With Your Cup Of Tea/Coffee!

We often tend to ignore the little things in life and think about what difference this ‘one’ little thing makes! The truth here is it’s the smallest of things that make the difference. Let’s talk about something as small as snacking! You might feel that a pack of chips or a piece of samosa with your everyday tea is harmless, but it’s essential to understand that they have zero health benefits. The only thing that these unhealthy snacks are rich in is calories. It’s time to change things for yourself and be mindful of how you are treating your body. 

We hope you like these three healthy snack recipes that you can prepare for you and yours. These snacks are healthy and super delicious and are formed, keeping in mind each age group’s taste choices! From your kid to the elders in the family, these snacks will be everyone’s favorite!

Let’s Get Into the World of Healthy Cooking and Clean Snacking.

Sprouts Chat

We all crave something that tickles our taste buds and satisfies us at the same time. The best tea-time snack doesn’t have to be fried and high in calories. We bring to you our favorite Sprouts chaat recipe that has a unique taste and perfect crunch! To prepare:

  • Take a bowl and throw in small amounts of soaked chickpea (sprouts) and moong dal.
  • Add some chopped veggies like onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
  • Sprinkle salt, pepper, and chat masala on top, and you’re ready to eat!

There are many ways to spice things up here, and add a few chili flakes or cut chilies if you like spicy snacks. Have it in the evening with your kadak chai and enjoy it! If you like consuming ready-to-eat snacks, you can check out snackible snacks that are nutritious, healthy, and fun!

Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies

Who doesn’t love delicious cookies that melt in the mouth! Cookies go great with coffee anyway, so let’s get into how to make a tasty cookie:

  • Take a bowl and add oat flour (to make it healthy), baking powder, and soda. Whisk them and add a pinch of salt.
  • Add eggs, peanut butter, vanilla and beat vigorously until everything is combined well.
  • Now add the flour mixture to the prepared egg mixture and mix them well. Keep mixing the dough, and then add a few peanuts. Now the dough should be thick and mushy. Let the dough sit for 1 hour in the fridge, and then take it out at least 30 mins before you start making the cookies.
  • Preheat the oven at 300 degrees and line a baking tray with butter paper. Roll the cookie dough into a ball and then press it slightly to make a cookie shape.
  • Bake for about 12-15 minutes and then take the cookies out and allow them to cool down.
  • Take them off from the baking sheet and then serve them! 

Delicious, healthy, and mouth-watering cookies are ready! Making a cookie can be a bit of a task, but it will be worth it. If you’re short on time, you can try open secret cookies that are very healthy and tasty too! It’s the perfect snack for tea time and as well as for midday munching.

Crunchy Roasted Veggies

Vegetables can be interesting if you prepare them differently! Who thought veggies could be great snacks too. The best part is that they are packed with nutrition and also have great taste. To prepare:

  • Marinate all your favorite veggies in a bowl.
  • To marinate, add salt, pepper, mixed herb seasoning, and chili flakes to the veggies. (Take more greens like broccoli, barns, and bell peppers so that it’s healthier and tastier).
  • Now put them into an oven and roast the veggies till they are cooked, crunchy and smoky!

The healthiest coffee/tea time snack is ready for you. The best part is that you can feed your kids this version of green veggies that they don’t usually like to have. If you’re someone who likes munching on toasty snacks with high calories, switch to this healthy version and see the difference!

These three recipes are very healthy and full of taste. From something tangy to something sweet, you will find recipes that cater to all tastes. These are not just perfect tea or coffee time snacks but also ideal to have whenever a craving or a hunger pang hits you! Whether you are in the office or out somewhere, pack a box of your favorite healthy snack and enjoy the fantastic taste!

It’s time to start taking care of your and your family’s health. Everyday snacks should be healthy because you can’t afford to eat a load of calories every day. As mentioned earlier, we should take small steps towards reaching our health goals and taking care of minor things.

I am a passionate blogger and working as a Marketing Manager in <a href="">Wellcurve</a>. I started working on this online platform which is one stop solution for healthy lifestyle.

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