Software Development

What to Expect in Custom Software Development in the Post-Covid-19 Business World?

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many small and well-established businesses to reimagine their digital sources. The pandemic has caused businesses to invest more in adopting and implementing digital trends. Businesses that had established digital platforms seemed to have performed well even during the pandemic and similarly, those businesses badly suffered that were not following the latest digital trends.

Since the pandemic is still maneuvering around it seems like it’s not going away any soon, the race for having better and advanced digital sources among businesses has spiked. Every business tends to have functional and advanced virtual workplaces to mitigate the effects of any possible wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Surely, the global business community can’t afford to repeat those mistakes that made them dipped, decreased their revenues and sales.

The world is now adapting things that they should have adopted long before but the truth about humans is until and unless they are not pushed, they will not do anything even if they have time and resources. The same thing got well exposed during the pandemic and now there’s hardly any business that is not in the race for digital transformation which I guess is a great shift.

In this article, I’ll be discussing some trends in custom software development in the post-covid19 world and how businesses can get maximum advantages of these trends. So, let’s get started.

Developments to Expect in Custom Software in the Post-Covid-19 World

  1. More Focus on Establishing Virtual Workplaces:

Many latest surveys are revealing that employees find it more productive to work from remote workplaces rather than working in the office. This has made business leaders invest more intelligently and more often in establishing such virtual workplaces that make the process of business digitization easy and is in the best interest of their companies.

Working from home whereas has provided so much ease to employees on the other hand it has increased the threats of cyberattacks for businesses. If a business is not complementing tight security protocols and safety measures, there are great risks of data breaches and cyberattacks involved.

This is where custom software development comes into play, setting up your own custom-made digital workplace allows you to have full control over its every aspect including security, features, and performance.

  1. Human-Centric Web and Mobile Portals:

The pandemic has changed the way how we used to do certain things. It has changed the thought process of people which has affected their likes and dislikes. The year 2021 sees companies will be putting more effort into making such applications that are human-focused and add value to their lives.

Customers’ behavior suggests that they don’t spend more than 8 seconds on what they see on social media. This is the slightest margin companies have to attract their potential customers and given that the competition is enormous, the only way forward is to provide maximum utility and features that their customers want.

  1. eLearning Platforms Will Continue to Dominate:

Education is one of the top sectors that got severely affected due to the ongoing pandemic. Efforts were made to mitigate the catastrophes caused by the pandemic by making a shift towards digital platforms. eLearning platforms are currently the hottest trending software solution that has worldwide acceptability and implementation.

These software solutions have made life easier for both students and teachers to continue the learning process via virtual assistance. This trend is gaining strength each day as there are many countries still implementing strict lockdowns and schools and other educational institutes are not yet opened to curb the spread of the deadly virus.

Custom software development has got a very busy role in the education department. According to Global Market Insights, The e-learning market is expected to exceed $375 billion by 2026.

  1. The Role of Artificial Intelligence will be Doubled:

Gone are the days when artificial intelligence was considered to be a myth from fictional movies and drama serials. Arguably, artificial intelligence is the most sought-out technology in the current business spectrum since businesses are exploring as many options as they can to minimize human-to-human interaction.

And no technology can do it better than artificial intelligence. Currently, artificial intelligence is playing a transformational role in industries such as healthcare, supply chain management, and the financial industry. Incorporating AI in a business environment is not that easy but once done, it can perform human-like functions ultimately making you place your human resources at something which is connected to the core of the company.

The year 2021 has bound to normalize chatbots, web and mobile applications with voice assistants, and many more relevant trends.

  1. Custom Software Solutions Will Outplay Commercial Software:

Seeing all the above benefits of custom software solutions, I guess no company with a modern think tank will go on to have commercial software products. The control and power that custom software products bring are matchless.

The market for custom software applications has already become a million-dollar market and it will only grow and gets bigger in the coming years of which 2021 is just the preliminary year. revealed that revenue in the custom application development software segment is projected to reach US$143,387.0m in 2021.

Wrap Up:

The above trends in custom software development are just a few drops of water from the pool. But the reason why I have highlighted them is that they are in the spotlight and almost everyone’s talking about them. It has become inevitable for start-ups and large organizations to cleverly spend on developing custom software products. They have become a new normal for businesses operating in the 21st century.

If your business is struggling to match the pace of digital transformation, reach out to SoftCircles – one of the leading software development companies in New York where we help SMBs and large organizations to transform digitally.

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