Digital Marketing

Increase Your Sales With A Business Blog – 5 Essential Tips

It is well known that companies that have a blog generate 67% more leads than companies that do not have a blog, because blogging is one of the main tools of Digital Marketing and is extremely important in this process of capture. Beyond capture, creating a business blog allows you to significantly increase your organic positioning by posting relevant content that emphasizes your keywords.

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In this post, we are not going to talk about the benefits of creating a professional blog, but some practical tips on how to improve your sales.

If you are still not convinced of the need to create a blog for your company, I suggest reading the articles “ Why Does Your Company Need to Create a Blog? ”And“ Why Create a Business Blog? 4 Unquestionable Reasons! ”That deal with it clearly.

Tip 1: Give something and don’t talk about your product or service all the time.

When creating a blog, running a marketing campaign or promoting a Facebook post our ultimate goal is certainly to showcase our product or promote something that has to do with our company. Okay, nothing wrong with targeting it, but you can’t try to “fix your life” in a post by talking all the time about your product or service.

When you create a post, you need to “give” something to your audience. You can use your post to ask questions about your client, to give some cool tips about something related to your area of ​​interest and the interest of your audience or any important information related to it. Give something really useful (not shallow) as it will make a great impression on your visitor and they will come to believe you and take your site as a reference for the subject, often even influencing others to believe you.

That is, bypassing something relevant that solves something for your client, you become an authority on the subject and will be remembered by the same.

A practical example would be a post from an accounting firm with the title “What do I need to know to change accounts in the company?”. In this post, the company clarified all doubts and did not talk about the products, services they provide at any time. The company was concerned with resolving the visitor issue. The information was helpful to me and no wonder I’m sharing their link here.

As you can see the result was not an immediate sale, but useful information that reminded me and put a link on my site, which could boost sales of this customer.

Another example would be a fashion company giving tips on how to dress, which matches “with what.” Or a company that provides adventure products by giving travel tips to this audience. Anyway, imagination is the limit, but keep in mind not only the sale but the useful information for your audience.

Tip 2: Create thoughtful posts at each stage of the sales funnel

You’re so sick of hearing about sales funnel, but you don’t see it working in practice, right ?!

Probably the answer will be yes. This is because you are unable to implement the same or cannot handle it properly.

It is very common for companies to create shallow posts that only catch the “general public” and do not provide the right information to heat up their audience to the point of having all the arguments that enable them to make a decision.

It is important that you provide introductory posts, but it is critical that you evolve your posts to allow the visitor to compare company A or B or product X and Y. This is part of the process. However, by providing the information as transparently and as fully as possible with a similar product or service, you gain the advantage that you have already gained authority over the subject and the visitor sees it in this way.

Tip 3: Plan Your Posts

Selling usually comes down to informing, presenting, and killing objections. Your posts need to be thought of and designed for this.

You need to create posts that will help you in this process, creating posts that focus on authority, benchmarking, objection-killing, delivering concrete results, and even presenting your product or service (why not?).

The important thing is that you have posts planned to achieve a goal, which in the end will generate you a sale (not necessarily at that time).

Tip 4: Share Your Posts on Social Networks

This tip is quite simple and worth reinforcing because of its importance.

All the content you post on your blog you should share on your social networks and sometimes even boost it if you have the budget to do so.

Social networking is a powerful tool for attracting visitors, and using it to drive visitors to your site is a great strategy because it is no longer just a “cursory look” but a potential new follower of your blog.

Tip 5: The Big Balcony

After making a fantastic post with 2000 words and N indexed keywords your visitor finally finds your content on Google, spends their time reading, solves their problem and likes it, but ends up leaving and not coming back.

In this very common process, you realize that you have invested time and money and this is not giving you the expected result, even with a reasonable volume of hits, it is not turning into sales.

What is the mistake anyway?

This is a common mistake that many people and businesses make when creating their articles/posts. They really understand what the customer needs, solve the customer “problem”, but leave no way to start a relationship with the visitor.

It is very common for sites to not even have a form to submit a question, or a blog that allows comment, or at least one form to sign up for a newsletter.

You need to give this possibility to your visitor.

Moreover, in your posts, you need to set your goals to make CTAs (Call-to-Actions) very clear. As in the example given in tip 1, you can address a subject without even talking about your product or service, but you need to direct your visitor to something relevant to them and your business. You need to take the next step for him.

Depending on the post level you are dealing with you can offer three basic things:

1 – A link to a post you want the visitor to see

This action will “warm-up” your lead and allow it to go down a little further into your funnel.

2 – Offer EXCLUSIVE additional content

This is the great connection between blogging and email marketing and lead management tools like RD Station. How your visitor liked your post and needs to know more. By directing you to a capture page, you can make your visit a lead and allow you to gradually and systematize your funnel, giving information until it becomes a sale.

3 – Offer your product or service

In more advanced posts, you often talk more about your product, service. An advanced visitor is already aware of the issue and knows what they’re looking for, and that’s when your ad comes in with the offer.

There is no point in placing call-to-action (CTAs) in a shallow post as it will not result in customer conversion. It will only serve to pollute the look of your post and tire your visitor (making them never come back).

I am a blogger and content writer who loves to write about the benefits of fast internet.

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