Web Design & Development

5 Reasons Why Motion Graphic Design is Important for Any Business

Motion Graphic Design

With the reach of information in every household with digital broadcast media and the internet, The world is now a global community with all information revolving around the house on Television, Print Media, and Smart Phones, nothing is no longer a secret in the world. Every piece of information is now available on the tips of fingers. But is this information always engaging?

More than 73% of News Readers admit to reading Headlines only and more than 85% of TV news viewers love headline news more than long news reader sessions. This proves that engaging people with a specific content form is almost impossible irrespective of what medium you are using. So How do you create a Blend And Hook your audience to your story or video?

The Answer can be simplified under the term Motion Graphic Design

Let us understand What Is Motion Graphics Design before jumping to why they’re important for businesses.

What Is Motion Graphics Design?

Motion Graphics Design or Motion Design is a subset of Graphic Design that uses the motion principles of filmography and video production to include texts and shape grids. Motion Designs are an interesting way to engage the audience and communicate with them in an interactive, precise yet informational way. Motion Design adds value to video content and makes web content interactive by highlighting important texts using text overlays, and lighting alphabets.

But why is using Motion Designs important for businesses?

Let’s Understand it.

In the present era where the world is now a global economy in the palm of our hands. Social Media has impacted our knowledge of web presence and how we expand businesses globally with creative and informational content across platforms and owned channels. Engaging audiences in generation Z is now harder than ever as short video platforms have degraded the attention time span of content consumers from a few minutes to mere seconds. Motion Designs are no longer optional when adding content to your owned or paid distribution channels.

Here are 5 reasons why Motion Graphic Designs are Important for any business:

  • Makes Text or Video Comprehension Easy

If you are a business owner with a vision in mind, one of the biggest challenges that you come across very often is how to make your consumer visualize the same vision as you. Using Text and Video the vision is shared with the world but comprehending complicated visions during a text flow or long video isn’t really possible. Using Motion Graphic Designs will make comprehension easy for your consumers. They highlight key focus points during your text flow and video and make comprehension easy. The interactive texts and highlighted key points make it easier for consumers to understand the content flow.

  • Helps In Breaking Communication Barriers

With the rise of 4G internet and accessibility to smartphones, the internet is now available across the globe in various languages, leading to smart accessibility of information but this is also creating communication barriers when it comes to sharing information with people in remote areas familiar with only one specific language. But with Motion Designs, you can make sure the information you are sharing with the world reaches all parts of the globe in multiple languages. Using Motion Graphic Designs on a well-scripted Motion Graphic Video can not only help you reach audiences in Multiple zones but also help comprehension easier in all languages.

  • Engage Your Audience and Rise Above The Competition

In the era of the World Wide Web, The world is now a global community on the palm of hands with smart devices which can be controlled even with your voice. This brought the world closer and gave rise to challenging competition amongst the businesses. Engaging the audience and portraying your brand as the most unique one out there is now more crucial than ever. Motion Designs on your owned channels can help you engage more audiences and portray your brand better than the competition. Motion Designs are a great tool to engage audiences and rise above the competition on both paid and owned channels.

  • Creative Way To Create Brand Awareness

Introducing your brand to the world in a global community of available options is no longer an easy task. The brands need to compete against each other to create a global presence and a unique value proposition. Motion Designs help brands to create unique brand awareness and attract users’ attention in a creative manner.

  • Adds Value To Your Content

Motion Design highlights key focus elements in a video or text flow and adds value to your owned or ad content. They are a great tool to attract users’ attention and engage them throughout the content flow. Motion Graphic Designs, not only engage the audience but also portray your content’s unique brand value as creatives. These are repurposable content elements to be used on all social and owned channels, adding a grand value proposition to the content.

Where can You Use Motion Design Elements?

Motion Design Elements are used on all owned and paid channels and can be used as both video and text integrations. They can be used to fulfill all engagement, branding, and marketing needs. The major channels where you can use Motion Design Elements are:

  1. Landing Pages
  2. Web App Or App Intro Screens
  3. Social Media Channels
  4. Sales and Investment Pitches
  5. Corporate Events

Now that graphic-based content is dominating the internet, the use of Motion Design Elements can be seen everywhere from owned to 3rd party content distribution channels. They are available as GIF layer elements on social media editors as well as text elements on mobile keyboards. Chat platforms are enhancing their UIs and making themselves attractive by converting Emojis to Motion Design elements. A lot of examples are available across the internet about how companies and developers are shifting focus on Motion Design Elements to be more attractive and engaging. Following the trend will be helpful in creating a unique brand value and improving the sales funnel at all stages of workflow.

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

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