Digital Marketing

Why You Need To Start Creating More Content For Social Media?

Creating Content For Social Media

This is possibly the best time for video marketing because your customers are consuming so much videos on an everyday basis. A third of online activity around the world is spent on watching videos thanks to the meteoric rise of streaming services – paid and free. A study is saying that 87% of marketers are producing high-quality videos across social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.

So why exactly should you create more content on social media? How does it benefit your brand or company?

# 1 Feeding the content-hungry audience on social media

Social media is the new cigarette. People start scrolling their Instagram or Facebook feeds when they are stressed or looking for something specific. The scrolling calms them down, distracts their minds from the stress. As a result, this demographic is always content-hungry. These users are ready to try out new things – be it information, entertainment or learning. When your video production agency rolls out more video content every week or fortnightly, your video is more likely now to get noticed and eventually benefit your brand when you continue to feed good content.

# 2 Social media videos seem personal to viewers

Join us in doing a little experiment. When you open your YouTube app now, do notice your feed. This is most likely based on your subscriptions and the things you have watched before. Same is the case with your Instagram or Facebook feeds – people are not seeing anything by accident, it’s a careful algorithm. As a result, social media users feel like all this is served to them according to their taste and liking. This is why marketers should create and post more videos on social media channels because the ‘personalization’ element increases the chances of viewership and subscription to the brand or service. At the same time, you can use the analytics to further personalize your video content as per your target customers’ liking, thereby, deepening engagement.

# 3 Social media engagement is measured better

Unlike television or radio ads, it’s easier to measure social media engagement on a regular basis. Marketers are sitting over a massive amount of targetable consumer data due to the specific algorithms that Facebook or Instagram lets you choose from. Facebook alone is claiming 4 billion daily video streams. There’s much noise and the way to let it filter for yourself is to be able to choose the targeted demographic for your brand. This increases the chances of personalization and gives vital clues of distributing video content. The best thing is you can distribute a single video across various social media channels and then measure the progress of each of those for further engagement in future.

# 4 You can re-purpose your top-performing content

One of the greatest advantages of creating video content for social media is the way you can re-purpose your top-performing content based on its engagement. You can create videos out of your top-performing text content or a social media post or you can simply ask your video production agency to edit bits of your already created video. This is the time to use that rejected or edited clips that your video production company has in its folders. This doesn’t require a lot of overhead costing and you can still use the clips or parts of the video that you hadn’t used earlier. However, it’s important to know that your content should still be easily digestible and relevant to the season and/or audience you are targeting.

# 5 Social media lets you create a clear brand personality

Unlike those one-time ads on radio or television where you can use a certain jingle or a brand colour to emphasise your personality, social media video production gives you ample opportunities to let your brand personality show. Since videos have a lasting impact on a customer’s mind, this is a great plus because your brand personality increases the recall value and overall branding.

Some of the top video production agencies today are thinking social. That’s because their clients are companies that have accepted that social media is where their customers are most likely to spend more time. Let us know if you wish to create impactful social media video content.

Pushpa Srivastava is an SEO strategist that helps online business owners figure out how to grow their business in a way that energizes them. Her zone of genius focuses on visibility, boosting traffic, finding the gaps in their market, competitors' analysis and then zoning in to get results without paying for ads.

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