Health & Fitness

Guide to Increase Chances of Pregnancy

Gude to Increase Chances of Pregnancy

Getting pregnant sometimes feels like a game of luck. Once you are ready to start a family, the last thing you want to do is wait. You may feel disappointed after some unsuccessful attempts.

But how can you improve your odds of having a baby? This question may bump out in the mind of every woman who is trying to conceive. Pregnancy happens when the sperm enters a vagina and travels through the cervix and womb through a fallopian tube to fertilize an egg.

You are more likely to get pregnant during the time of ovulation. It takes up to 2-3 weeks after intercourse for the pregnancy to start. Your doctor can count the start of your pregnancy from the first day of your last menstrual period.

However, this is not the same case in every couple. You may be trying to conceive for several months or even years, but you haven’t seen that “yes” on the pregnancy stick. Therefore, we have compiled certain tips to improve your chances of becoming pregnant.

Certain tips to follow to increase your chances of pregnancy

Getting the timings right

Timing plays a pivotal role in getting pregnant. The best way to increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly is to have sex at the right time to coincide with your menstrual cycle.

If you have regular cycles, you can ovulate around two weeks before your periods. This means that your fertile window opens seven days before your expected ovulation.

However, it may become difficult to predict when you will ovulate and when your fertile window will be open if you have irregular cycles. For example, if you have a typical 28 days cycle, you will ovulate about 14 days before your next period.

Record the frequency of your menstrual cycle

A woman who wants to conceive should record her menstrual cycle frequency. Your periods are regular if they tend to occur the same number of days apart every month. Conversely, your periods are irregular if your cycle length varies from month to month.

By tracking the menstrual cycle information on a calendar, you can better predict when you might be ovulating or when your ovaries will release an egg.

Gynecologists believe that a woman’s egg is fertile only for 12 to 14 hours, and a man’s sperm are likely to survive in a woman’s body for up to five days.

Maintaining a healthy body weight.

Healthy weight makes it easier for a woman to conceive. It is applicable for both men and women. Women who are underweight or overweight may face problems like hormone level imbalance, poor egg quality, and disturbed menstrual cycle.

However, men can face issues of reduced sperm quality. Moreover, fat cells are related to estrogen production, and too many or too few cells can harm your chances of becoming pregnant.

Therefore, you can consult your doctor if you and your partner feel that your weight is an issue. Your doctor can help you in reaching at a healthy and ideal weight

Monitor your ovulation

It’s harder to predict ovulation in women with irregular cycles. Additionally, you can monitor your ovulation through various techniques. These techniques are:

  • Using ovulation prediction kits: These kits are similar to pregnancy kits. You can urinate on the test strips every morning, starting a few days before you think you will ovulate. The test strips help detect luteinizing hormone [ LH]. This hormone surges right before ovulation.
  • Track cervical mucus changes: Your estrogen level rises with the development of the ovarian follicle. This rise in estrogen level can make your cervical mucus more thin and slippery. But once your ovulation occurs, your cervical mucus will become thick and sticky.
  • Follicular monitoring: If you are having difficulty tracking your ovulation using the above methods, you can talk to your doctor regarding other options. The doctor can suggest your hormone test and ultrasound of your ovaries.

Avoid smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking can lead to fertility problems in both men and women. Chemicals found in cigarettes such as nicotine and carbon monoxide speed up the loss rate of a woman’s egg.

In a study published by Maya Clinic, smoking ages a woman’s ovaries and depletes her supply of eggs prematurely, affecting her pregnancy. Therefore, a woman should avoid smoking and drinking.

Cut back on strenuous workouts

Being physically active can help a woman’s body prepare for the demands of pregnancy and labor. However, getting too much exercise or doing strenuous workouts could interfere with ovulation. In addition, doctors see a lot of menstrual disturbances in a woman who exercises heavily. Therefore, these women need to cut back on a strenuous workout if they want to become pregnant.

Eat healthy food

Although there is no specific diet, eating various healthy foods can help prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy. A woman needs an adequate store of critical nutrients such as calcium, protein, and iron. You can get these nutrients from:

  • Whole grains
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Broccoli
  • Citrus fruits
  • Fortified bread
  • Cereals and beans

Moreover, when you are trying to get pregnant, you can eat a lower amount of high-mercury fish. This is because mercury can accumulate in a pregnant woman’s bloodstream, which affects a baby’s development.

Start taking prenatal vitamins

Women who are attempting to conceive can start taking a prenatal vitamin even before becoming pregnant. It is advisable to take at least 400 micrograms [mcg] of folic acid in a day. This can help to prevent congenital disabilities in a baby’s brain and spine.

How to increase the chances of pregnancy in case of certain underlying conditions?

Ovulation problems can make it difficult for you to get pregnant. However, with the advancement of medical techniques, you can enhance your chances of pregnancy even if you are having any of these underlying conditions.

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a hormonal disorder that is closely related to infertility and weight.

A study shows that about 40 to 60% of women with PCOS are obese.

However, certain prescribed medicines and healthy eating may induce ovulation and regulate your insulin levels. If any of the medications doesn’t work, then a doctor can also prescribe IVF.

  • Endometriosis

It is a reproductive condition that occurs when tissues found in the uterus grow in other parts of a woman’s body. Endometriosis is present differently in different women, so the treatment depends on the individual’s condition.

Techniques like IVF, ovulation induction can stimulate a woman’s ovaries to produce more eggs. In this way, she can increase her chances of becoming pregnant.

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    1 Comment

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