Digital Marketing

Content Is The King But Marketing Trend Of It Is Important And That Plays A Major Role In 2020

Marketing Trends

Content is the king and will always be so but the fact of the matter remains that with so much content being released to the public one needs to be ready to understand how things go around in here, because 2020 has served or swerved us based on individual opinion. While for some it is a time to focus on relationships, learn new technologies, hone their craft of writing or hobby, for others it is a time when they would be out in the public and doing petty jobs under the sun to make ends meet.

Whether people are on their medium of transport back home, or just a casual walk, we all know that content is the king for all and users like to read about things day in and out. On the other hand, when you listen to things and work it around, it will be a good idea if people can get the best content delivered to them without any additional hassles. The chunk of content being written on a daily basis is way too big for one to fathom and so it is important that the content is marketed in a manner that it reached the niche audience without any hassles. This may be good to read than to implement but that is not the case at all.

We need to understand that in the modern day and age a lot of changes have taken place and so the content needs to be updated accordingly. We are in the midst of a pandemic and if we don’t take social and moral responsibility of putting across niche content we may have hassles by our side at the end of the day. This is why we need to look into details that will be worth the time and appended are the choices that you must look into to avoid concerns in the long run. Feel free to drop in a comment if you have some other thoughts for the readers’ kind perusal. So without further ado, let’s get down to it:

#1 Artificial Intelligence Will Be The Key

The advancement of technology comes as a boom for some and a curse for others. This is where we need to put our mind to, but what if the details are not in order and an automated system is able to detect it before a human eye could catch the issue. Marketing styles have evolved and experiments have revealed that these new and advanced solutions have made marketing as well as bird’s eye view on a system accessible. If the two concur then there will be solutions and one needs enough time to understand that Artificial Intelligence based online marketing has only helped the business not the agency.

#2 Live Video Will Be The Norm

Live videos are easy to view and one can view them at a later stage without getting any concerns in the process. This is one of the reasons why every platform has adhered to live streaming choices and the same will be the norm going forward.

#3 Long-Tail Keywords Will Gain Prominence

SEO is an integral part of the overall process to gain visibility, value and monetary benefit. The Core update that released this month will change the algorithm of the overall system. This will ensure that your content style and the way it is delivered across is updated and in accordance only long-tail keywords will be in prominence.


#4 Interactive Marketing Drive Engagement

It is a given that interactive marketing will drive engagement and that will be a value add for all involved as part of the process. The marketing method will open avenues of learning that will not be worth the time at the end of the day.

#5 The Content Style Will Be Focused On A Host Of Aspects

The content strategy has evolved over the years and with 69, 25 and 6 percent of videos, live streaming and webinars taking center stage, one would have to agree and understand that a lot has changed since the previous methods were in place. The in person content has seen a downfall as 37,51 and 12 percent of events, presentations and workshops have become a major reason for a lot of disorient to take place.

A lot of it has to do with the written print content at 30, 48 and 22 percent for magazine, books and brochures have been impacted. You can compare the changes and see that videos have become the norm because interactive videos or videos in general have helped companies get better access to content. The audio only content which includes podcasts and audiobooks have also seen a drastic shift in the content style with only 27 percent being interested in it.

#6 Video Has Already Taken Effect

This shouldn’t shock anyone because a lot of these podcasters are also releasing videos on a regular basis. Let’s take WWE’s Lillian Garcia’s podcast ‘The Chasing Glory’ for example, or any WWE content per se, but if The Chasing Glory is an example we take then you would be aware that they used to do podcasts and just podcasts, but then they changed the trend. The audio and videos started airing for people simultaneously on streaming platforms. This helped Lillian gain more prominence.

It also goes for one of company’s recent program called ‘After The Bell’ with Corey Graves. The company started off with an audio preview on a video streaming platform and didn’t see the results being as promising as one would have expected, so what did they do? They changed the landscape and switched to an audio video format. While a part of the program is still shown in video format on a video platform to entice audiences, but that only works when you have someone worthwhile on the other end.

It’s as simple as who would you prefer to watch on screen: Barack Obama or Donald Trump? This is the easiest way you can understand what makes more sense.

Ritika is an avid writer and marketer. She has over 10 years of experience in writing content for industries and products across the board. Besides this, She is the founder of <a href="">Codeblends</a>, a service-based firm which has widened up its roots by providing dot net development, website development, and digital marketing services to the client around the globe. In her free time, she likes cooking, decorating her home and dining with friends.

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