Health & Fitness

13 Effective Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat

Reduce Belly Fat

Numerous scientific researches on the “Reduce Belly Fat” – subject have been confirmed that the obese person is at increased risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, high blood pressure, and cancer. In such a situation, people often take many types of medicines to reduce belly fat, which can be harmful to your health.

You will find many ways to reduce your waist and abdomen, you will get many ways to reduce your waist and abdomen or belly fat, but hardly anyone can tell you how to reduce belly fat. In such a situation, Yogasana can be a safe way to reduce the stomach.

Excess abdominal fat can be eliminated through these yoga poses but for this, it is also necessary to pay attention to your diet. In this article, you will find out which are effective Yoga poses that can be helpful in relieving you from this problem.

Best Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat

The whole body is kept healthy through yoga. But if you are worried about your enlarged stomach and are tired of taking many remedies, then practice the Yoga poses mentioned here regularly. These yoga poses are as follows:

1. Reduce belly fat with Tadasana Yoga Pose (Mountain Pose)

If Tadasana yoga is done properly, it can help reduce belly fat to a great extent. Not only abdominal fat, but this asana can also play a big role in reducing excess body fat.

2. Reduce belly fat with Surya Namaskar Yoga Pose

Its practice alone is able to give the benefit of complete yoga exercise to the human being, there are countless benefits of saluting the sun. Doing Surya Namaskar at a faster pace than normal is considered a good cardio exercise that can help in losing weight.

This causes abdominal muscles to stretch, which helps reduce excess fat around the abdomen. By doing all this asana, your arms and abdomen (abs) are also toned, it also helps in improving your metabolism (digestive power).

This may sound like a simple exercise but there are two steps in a round of Surya Namaskar, the first one on the right side and the other on the left side which helps in burning a lot of calories.

3.  Reduce belly fat with Paschimottanasana Yoga

If you are looking for ways to reduce your abdominal fat, then practice this asana regularly. Ribs are strengthened by their regular practice. It helps in reducing belly fat as well as thinning the waist.

4.  Reduce belly fat with Utthita Trikonasana Yoga Pose

If you want to reduce belly fat, then Utthita Trikonasana may prove to be the most perfect posture for you. This asana stimulates the abdominal organs and helps you to lose weight because its regular exercise causes abdominal cramps and reduces excess abdominal fat.

5.  Reduce belly fat with Uttanasana Yoga Pose

Uttanasana yoga is known for reducing abdominal fat, correcting digestive problems, increasing length, and giving the thigh muscles a good stretch. If you are also troubled by the growing stomach and want to get rid of this belly fat, then Uttanasana helps you.

6.  Reduce belly fat with Pawanamuktasana Yoga Pose

If you want to reduce excess abdominal fat, then there may not be a better option for you. Because the practice of this asana puts pressure on your abdominal muscles, which reduces belly fat rapidly. is.

7. Reduce belly fat with Bhujangasana Yoga Pose

Those who want to lose weight in a natural way, those people should practice this yoga asana, this asana is considered to be an excellent workout that can help you reduce your abdominal fat naturally because it stretches the muscles which helps in reducing weight.

8. Reduce belly fat with Uttanapadasana Yoga Pose

If you are troubled by obesity and heavyweight problem then Uttanapadasan Yoga can be beneficial for you. With regular practice of this asana, you can reduce your weight and stomach in a few days and get a toned body figure. This asana is so effective that by doing it daily, abs are formed on the stomach.

This asana is the best asana for your stomach, if you have problems like indigestion, gas, constipation, acidity, then practice it regularly. Doing this correctly and regularly will relieve you of these problems.

9. Reduce belly fat with Halasana Yoga Pose

There are many benefits for you from practicing this asana daily. With regular practice of this asana, you can reduce the excess fat of your stomach and you can also control your weight.

10.  Reduce belly fat with Dhanurasana Yoga Pose

This asana is an excellent yoga practice to reduce the stomach. Regular exercise reduces stomach fat and reduces weight.

Helps you with This asana is very beneficial yoga for diabetic patients.

11. Reduce belly fat with Naukasana Yoga Pose

Naukasana Yoga is a very effective yoga practice for reducing abdominal fat, if this asana is practiced regularly it can reduce your excess abdominal fat very quickly, during this asana, the body weight can be increased in between. That is to focus on the stomach which helps you in reducing belly fat.

12. Reduce belly fat with Kapalabhati Yoga Pose

Kapalabhati Pranayama has been proved to be the most effective yoga pose for weight loss. By doing this Yogasana, new energy is transmitted in the body. By doing this, the immunity of the whole body increases.

In the present times, it has also been claimed by researchers many times that almost every disease associated with the body can be cured by performing Kapalbhati Pranayama.

There is no yoga pose more effective than pranayama in reducing abdominal fat.

13. Reduce belly fat with Shavasana Yoga Pose

Shavasana yoga helps to relieve stress. This yoga relaxes your body after any kind of workout. This asana helps to adjust your breathing speed. Calms the mind.

If you are seeking more in-depth knowledge of yoga poses, then you can join a yoga school in Rishikesh, India.

Points need to remember while practicing yoga poses

  • Under the supervision of a good yoga trainer, do all the yoga as described here.
  • Your diet plays an important role while eliminating the problem of obesity. Just doing yoga will not get rid of obesity.
  • For this, you will also have to change your diet and add some healthy food.
  • You should consume enough water as this will help in reducing the stomach.

Hope after knowing all these yoga poses, you will never have to say that what are the yoga poses to reduce belly fat.

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