Health & Fitness

Finding It Hard to Sleep? Try Yoga Nidra

Your sleeping pattern is the first thing to get affected by a busy lifestyle and poor diet. Even though you are completely drained of all energy it becomes harder for you to doze off. The worst part is you sleep only to wake up in the middle of the night and then not able to fall back to sleep. If any of these things have become a part of your daily routine, it is time you enroll in a yoga nidra training course.

Moreover, a lack of sleep in your everyday routine is also a sign of underlying tension and stress which makes even sleeping irrelevant. The daily practice of Yoga Nidra helps your brain remain free of these tensions and restore balance to your mind and body.

First, let us focus a bit on knowing what Yoga Nidra is.

Yoga Nidra – In Brief

If you are a beginner in yoga, you are on the right path! As compared to other yoga styles, Yoga Nidra is not concerned only with your body. During the practice of Yoga Nidra, you lie down in the Shavasana (Corpse Pose).

Any tensions in your body and mind are connected. In other words, your thoughts always have an impact on your physical being. Similarly, if you have sweaty palms or feel a sudden tightness in your stomach, it becomes important to let go of all the stress and tension.

Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation technique that helps you dive deeper into the subconscious mind. It helps you identify and release any pent-up physical or mental tension you might be holding onto. You should enroll in a Yoga Nidra Training in Rishikesh to learn everything about this special yogic technique.

However, that is not all. Yoga Nidra does provide you some major health benefits.

Yoga Nidra Benefits

Yoga Nidra recognizes three types of tensions. These are muscular, mental, and emotional tensions. The muscular tension exists within your physical body and nervous system. Mental tension arises from overanalyzing and overthinking, and emotional tension comes from repressed emotions.

With tension wreaking havoc on three different levels of your being, no doubt that sleeping becomes an ardent task and not something you fall into with ease. You should look for a reputed Yoga Nidra training course to release this pent-up tension.

Moreover, numerous scientific and medical studies clearly show the more tension-free you are, the more easily you would fall into sleep.

Let us now understand how you can practice Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra – The Process

You might wonder as to what exactly happens in Yoga Nidra. How can you practice to enjoy a deep and good sleep? Remember, Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation. You should practice this yogic technique under the guidance of a yoga expert.

With that said, given below is a complete breakdown of how you should practice Yoga Nidra.

1. Relax Your Body

Start by lying comfortably on the mat and bringing your body to a still. Cover yourself with a warm cloth like a blanket to be comfortable and cover your eyes to get rid of distractions. The yoga teacher would tell you to stay awake. However, remember if you go in and out of consciousness, do not be hard on yourself as it is completely normal. Remember, your brain has to remain active during Yoga Nidra.

2. Have An Intention

Once your body is relaxed, set a positive intention (Sankalpa) for Yoga Nidra practice. Do you have to ask what is it you long for at the moment? What do you wish to experience with Yoga Nidra?

In other words, you should set clear and positive intentions in your mind before starting with this practice. Enroll in a reputed Yoga Nidra training in Rishikesh to learn this yogic technique.

3. Rotate Your Consciousness

Here is when the yoga teacher asks you to pay attention to specific body parts. It is now your responsibility to bring your focus to those areas of your body. This focus on somebody’s parts gives you a deep physiological benefit. It starts from your brain and runs through the entire body thereby stimulating your mind and body.

In other words, it is about doing a mental scan of your body and forgetting the physicality of your body during Yoga Nidra.

4. Welcome The Opposites

The Yoga Nidra teacher would guide you to mentally experience two opposites including lightness and heaviness, hot and cold. It helps your mind assess what the body feels from the inside instead of relying on external stimuli. You should enroll in Yoga Nidra training to experience deep sleep every day.

5. Visualize

An important element of Yoga Nidra is visualization. This simple technique helps bring up what you have stored in your unconscious mind. Another method you use in Yoga Nidra practice is guided imagery or symbols which are a part of your subconscious mind. In the long run, this heals and balances your mind and lets you free the repressed emotions and feelings.

6. End With Positivity

Always remember, an effective way for you to enjoy a good sleep is by ending the Yoga Nidra session with a positive affirmation. At the end of the session, your mind is open to suggestions so it is best you provide it with something positive.


Yoga Nidra provides your body and mind with complete relaxation. You should enroll in Yoga Nidra Training to learn more about this powerful yogic technique.

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