
7 Must-Have Tech and Gadget Items to Bring Camping

7 Must-Have Tech and Gadget Items to Bring Camping

Camping allows you to get away from your daily life, but you should still take advantage of some conveniences of techs and gadgets. Because of this, you should think about which tech items you must bring on your camping trip. Use this list to help you pack for your next camping trip.

Cellphone and Laptop

Even though people like to stay away from cell phones while they camp, they should still bring phones in case they need them. Even though you may not use a cellphone, you never know if you need to make an emergency call. For example, if someone gets injured during the camping trip, you may need to call an ambulance to help you.

On top of this, you may want to call and talk with some people during your camping trip, so you should consider bringing a cellphone with you.

In addition, bringing a laptop or tablet to watch a movie at night after a long day playing and exploring outdoors would be a nice way to end the day.

GPS Device

You also need to bring a GPS device with you on a camping trip. A GPS device will help you find the exact spot of your campsite in case you go hiking and wander off. You can also use it to find your way back if your cell phone runs out of battery, so you should have one on hand as a backup option.

For example, if you want to enjoy camping in West Virginia state parks, you can use GPS to find your way around and explore.


As you camp, you may need to use the bathroom during the evening, so you must leave your tent. If you want to easily make your way to a spot where you can use the bathroom, you should bring a flashlight with you. Doing so will make it easier to avoid tripping or falling as you walk, so you should keep a flashlight near you when possible.

Even if you don’t trip, you can use the flashlight to scare off wild animals if they get too close to you.

Air Mattress

Some people can’t get comfortable when they sleep in a sleeping bag, so they could bring air mattresses. Camping air mattresses work great since they can give you a bit of space between the hard floor and your back. That way, you won’t feel as uncomfortable, so you can get more sleep during the night.

Some air mattresses need air pumps to fill them up all the way. You can also find automatic air mattresses if you want to make the camping trip convenient for yourself.

Gas-Powered Stove

Some people love the idea of gas-powered stoves on camping trips since they can easily prepare meals. While you could bring prepared meals on the trip or use a campfire, a gas-powered stove can make the experience easier on you. That way, you can wake up in the morning, turn on the stove and make yourself a delicious breakfast.

If you do bring a gas-powered stove with you, then you should make sure to transport and use the gas responsibly to avoid injuries or any problems.

Instant Tents

While some people love the idea of putting up their tents when they camp, others may want to save some time by utilizing instant tents. These tents allow you to easily set them up in about a minute, so you can save some time while you go camping. Some people struggle to put up their tents, so this convenience could help them during the trip.

Since the tents come with everything in place, you won’t end up making some mistakes while setting them up.


You should also bring an electric thermometer with you, so you can check a person’s temperature based on the circumstances. For example, a person may develop a fever during the camping trip, so a thermometer could let you know if he or she needs to go home. This also provides reassurance if someone feels warm, but they turn out to be fine.

You should also think about bringing first aid kits with you, so you can address any health concerns you may face during the trip.


Some people may want to camp and get away from technology, but some pieces of technology can help them out. Make sure you think about which tech items you need to bring, so you can keep yourself safe and comfortable.

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