App Development

Native Mobile App & Responsive Web | What Should You Choose?

Native Mobile App

With more than 3 billion smartphone users and 1.4 billion tablet users all across the world, mobile-first apps are the future. If your business has an online presence, your chances of success ultimately increase.

There are around 2.8 billion mobile apps available on the Google Play store. As per the estimates, mobile apps will generate over $900 billion in revenue by 2023. So, what do these statistics tell you? You need a mobile app for your business!

But, what kind of app should you go for, a native mobile app or a responsive web app? Or maybe both. In this article, I’m going to talk about the differences between native mobile app design and responsive web design in different aspects.


Native apps are the ones designed to run on a particular operating system. These apps are coded with a particular operating system in mind, thus they can’t be installed or used on another platform. For example, an app designed for iOS won’t run on android devices.

On the other hand, a responsive web design means the layout can adjust itself according to the size of the screen. Static web apps rendered a poor user experience when accessed on mobile. The user couldn’t even access the desired content. Responsive web design resolved this issue and gave a great experience to the mobile users.

Native Mobile Apps vs Responsive Web Design

Let’s compare the two types of applications in terms of their performance:

User Experience

When it comes to the user experience, native apps easily beat responsive web applications. The thing is, web applications are restricted to the capabilities of a browser. On some browsers, they will look perfect while on some they might not perform as per your expectations.

On the other hand, native apps have no such restrictions since they are being used on the operating system they have been developed for.

User Input

Ideally, mobile apps should require minimum user input. Not just the native apps but any kind of app. The thing is, smartphones and tablets have smaller keyboards. Users don’t like typing to navigate the app. Native apps have shorter forms and precise information.

In contrast, responsive web apps give you the freedom to include everything about your business. It all comes down to your team’s design expertise and creativity. You can accommodate as many sections as you want to if your layout allows you to.

Offline Working

Now that’s pretty obvious, responsive websites can’t work offline. Your user needs the internet to access them.

Native apps are ahead of responsive websites in this regard. Because of the new HTML5 standards, browser application caching of pages, local storage, and local database, they can work offline as well.


No matter whether you are designing a web application or a mobile app, you can’t ignore this aspect of your product. Today, people access websites on the go. Rarely do they have any patience and time to wait for the app to open? This is where a responsive design can lag behind.

Not to say that all responsive web apps are slow, but we are comparing them with native mobile apps. In terms of performance, they are super fast. They barely take any loading time. Responsive web apps too, if neatly coded, can render speed closer to native apps.

Advanced Features

Modern-day apps have transcended the ordinary level of imagination. The possibilities are endless today. Who would have thought in the early 2000s that we will have face recognition apps in 2021?

All businesses expect their app to have exciting advanced features. This is where native apps come in. By no means responsive websites can’t have advanced features, but there are limitations.

For example, features like gyro or accelerometer can only be implemented with a native app. So, when it comes to innovation, native apps remain ahead of responsive websites.

Development Cost

This is the reason why not every business opts for native apps. It can be quite expensive to get a separate business app for iOS, Android, and the web. And not to mention the time required to develop three different apps, possibly a whole year.

Responsive websites are much cheaper, easier to develop, and require less budget. They might not render the kind of experience you get with native apps, but they usually suffice for a small business.

Should I Invest in a Native App or Responsive Web?

It all comes down to your budget and preferences. If you are a start-up with budget restraints, your best option is to invest in a web app — a responsive one!

Not all online businesses may have a mobile application but all of them have a web app. Once you have accumulated some clients or getting regular sales, you can introduce your mobile application.

However, if you want to pace up your branding strategy and want quick results, you can invest in both simultaneously.


Irrespective of your industry, having an online presence has become mandatory for any business to thrive today. And the competition is fiercer than ever before. You are competing with thousands of same businesses locally and millions globally. A responsive web app and a modern native app can help you to become a leader in your industry.

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

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