Digital Marketing

4 Scientific-Supported Strategies for More Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

1. Informers vs. Meformers

Two more followers: Share less about yourself

You’re a teacher or a teacher?

Researchers from Rutgers University have shown that only 20% of us are social media informants, while the other 80% are social media informers. What’s a former, exactly?

Users who post updates to social media mostly on their own

Informationists — Users who post mostly information-sharing updates

After an analysis of data from a sample of Twitter accounts, the Rutgers team ended up creating the term “reformer.” Based on the use patterns and tweets and following data, their analysis found a clear distinction between those who share information and those who share information about themselves.

And what about the followers? get Twitter followers.

Informationists had reformers more than two times.

Sharing social media information seems to be better for your follower than sharing.

How can you tell which cluster you are falling into? In the study, the classification of tweets was incessantly broken up. A sample of tweets was assessed and a category was assigned to each. In total, the classification classes were used in nine main categories. In the following examples do you recognize some of your tweets?


In order to boost social media sharing so that you match the informer cluster more closely than the meformer cluster.

2. Call yourself an authority

A hundred and more followers are gurus, authors and experts

The follower growth Roy Povarchik has an interesting idea. The name is Twitter Greatness, and something like this is going to happen:

The fast way to follow you a bunch of people: be Barack Obama. Or Katy Perry. Or Katy Perry. And then, Joel Gascoigne.

What have people like these together? Renown, yeah. They are also creators, doers, and leaders, however. The creative act is what distinguishes them. Povarchik made a useful pyramid to demonstrate Twitter’s hierarchy of grandeur. This pyramid can also be used with a few tweaks on most other social networks (e.g., reporting is greater on Twitter than other networks).

The Pyramid of Twitter

See you in this pyramid somewhere?

Of course, with some statistics, this interesting idea of grandeur is strengthened all the more. Dan Zarella, a HubSpot data scientist, has investigated the authority’s effect on the Twitter organisms. Have you heard any changes on Don’t call yourself a guru”? This was found false by Zarella. Self-professed gurus have 100 followers more on average than Twitter users.

And this is not only “guru.” Many kinds of authoritative titles can help increase your number of followers.


Create wonderful things and be an industry leader. Don’t forget to talk about it in your organics then. Conditions such as author, expert, founder and officer can be a powerful asset for your followers to grow.

3. Avoid bursts of updates

Social planning is the #1 solution to keep followers

You can also approach the issue of getting more followers from the other side: many people know how to keep them.

An interesting study of how and why was developed by a group of Korean researchers. They examined 1.2 million Twitter accounts and analyzed tweets and interactions for 51 days. By analyzing and interviewing them, they found that these factors played a role:

In a short time too many updates

  • Posting of interesting subjects
  • Share the worldly details of your life
  • The interview section of the research shows that “Bursts” is a concept — too many updates at a time. Over half of the follow-up is caused by explosions. (Hey, we have created Buffer for quite a bit, so if you lose followers because of the explosion, let’s help you—try Buffer free!)

Here too, there are other factors, many of which may be true for marketers or brands. Are you hitting any of these kinds of tweets?

4. Give the people what they want

Special offers 52% of followers want

It’ll help you know what your fans want if you are a brand looking for more social media followers. In March, research carried out by Nielsen in Twitter UK revealed the top 10 reasons why people are following brands.

They follow 55 percent because they like the brand.

Special offers or promotions are followed by 52%.

To keep up with the brand’s news, 51 percent follow.

Among the 10 most important reasons, discounts were among the top 10. Special offers or promotions, free bids and exclusive content were included in the following. Interesting that a brand provides the seventh most popular reason for the success of a brand for entertaining and useful content. This seems to show that more than good content marketing needs to be followed.


Give away stuff. Users of Twitter love discounts and free rates and probably follow a brand to get some products. You might see your fans grow in this way—including your content strategy and branding.

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