Digital Marketing

5 Steps that’ll Help You Get Your Business Story in Google News

Google News

It goes without saying that every business will find it beneficial if it appears in the search results of Google. Those benefits are plentiful and perfectly obvious too. After all, millions of people use Google to seek out solutions to their problems, including the ones your products and/or services can solve. You should also consider getting into Google News. Those who tried to rank for organic search results in Google in the past are perfectly aware of the intricacies associated with the process. There aren’t any predictable timetables you can resort to for inclusion, either. Of course, you can always submit a sitemap and place a link strategically to get indexed in the database of Google within a minute or less. However, getting ranked in an entirely different ballgame and can take several weeks or months to achieve one of the top 10 spots for your keyword of choice. A few related rankings may come faster, though. Then, there’s Google’s web search algorithm you need to consider. It’s a formula used by the organization to determine the best way of ranking websites. It keeps changing significantly with time, which means your strategies have to be fluid enough to stay ahead of the curve. Despite being a complicated task, wise business owners never neglect it because the rewards are great. More than one-third of all clicks go to the search result that appears on top. Furthermore, only a measly 5 percent of searchers visit page two or the SERPs. There’s no point in allocating resources and marketing budget into acquiring better positioning in the main database of Google. However, you can reap the advantages of targeting Google News.

The advantages

  1. Not much waiting: One of the benefits of leveraging Google News is that the waiting period is significantly lower. You can write articles for one site in the morning and publish them by the afternoon. Unless a major story breaks out, there will be a possibility of your articles getting included in Google News before the evening. While it won’t work that fast always, you will know from your first experience whether your story got the coverage you expected or not within a few hours or a few days at most.
  2. Ease and predictability: The next advantage is that it’s quite easy and predictable if you want to find out whether you got included or not. In most instances, you can simply log in to the site where you submitted to see if your story got accepted or not. After that, you have to type the title of your story on Google search to see if it got there. Or, you can establish a Google alert. You’ll receive an email whenever your title or name appears in Google News specifically. So, what to do if you miss your first opportunity? You can always seek out a different angle, rewrite everything, recreate the title, and try again.
  3. Reading the news: By aiming to get into Google News, you’ll insert yourself into a daily activity used by most folks who participate in something your competitors may not be aware of – reading the news. According to researchers, almost 92 percent of users rely on the internet to search and send emails. The second-highest activity isn’t socializing, which may come to you as a surprise, especially when you consider the rate at which commoners use social media platforms. 76 percent of people say they check the news. It’s a significantly smaller body of water when compared to internet search, but if you add news coverage to your strategy, a successful effort will provide you with additional exposure in an area where the competition for attention won’t be as difficult. Also, a few news stories come with the added advantage of getting search coverage too.

Getting coverage

  1. Press release submission: There are several strategies for getting your business published in Google News. The first one is about submitting a news release through a press release distributor. These organizations often place their releases on Google News. Apart from that, they often place press releases where they’ll eventually pop up in Google News sooner rather than later.
  2. The writing: You can probably guess that your press releases have to pleasing enough to read, but you shouldn’t forget to balance your write-ups with ways to increase exposure. You can target them directly to the folks you want to reach via press coverage. It can increase your exposure to journalists too.
  3. Learning from common mistakes: You should go through the free-to-use information pieces currently available from individuals who successes and failed in building a Google News Publisher site. You’ll learn a lot from them, which, in turn, will prevent you from making the same mistakes.
  4. Already accepted sites: Another excellent way of getting your story published on Google news incorporates submitting it to websites already accepted by Google. Numerous sites exist in Google News catering to a wide variety of interests, including Broadway plays, cooking, and everything else you can think of.
  5. Strategies to write articles: For the approach mentioned above, you need to write articles the right way. You’ll have to face rejection if the article is wrong for the publication you’re submitting to. The tone, length, or niche may not appeal to the publication. Therefore, you must browse their library to see how each article performs compared to other articles.

Wrapping it up

Well, there you have it – the benefits of utilizing Google News and a few guidelines from experts to help you nail it. Stick to them, and you’ll surely succeed. You can also opt to get more support from an organization that helps business owners like you get verified and gain exposure.

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

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