Digital Marketing

Video Marketing Tips You Must Know For 2021

Video marketing is here to stay. Internet users are connecting more and more to online video only. They jump into YouTube and other social media platforms to watch online videos only – whether it is educational explainer videos or even compilations. In 2021, it was estimated that the average Internet user would spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos. Hiring is a leading social marketing company or video marketing services company will help you as well.

In such a situation, market experts certainly do not want to leave any money on the table. They come to video marketing campaigns as powerful and incredibly effective content strategies. Corrected, video marketing can increase revenue 49% faster than any other type of marketing. However, this is not all; Over 51% of marketers claim the video as the type of content with the best ROI.

Are you not sure yet? Below are some essential video marketing stats and trends that let you know that you better jump on the video marketing bandwagon to get better marketing results.

1. Internet users love short videos

Do you know that human attention is distracting? We can focus on things for more than eight seconds – that’s a lot less than a goldfish (nine seconds).

One thing is clear here: People like to consume quick, simple content. And the short videos are definitely like that. So make sure you keep your videos short and useful.

As per statistics, 60% of viewers do not watch online videos past 2 minutes.

2. Potential platforms for hosting social media videos are

In 2020, more than 3.6 billion people worldwide were using social media. It is safe to say that those platforms are such potential places to get more eyeballs for your video marketing.

On Facebook, users watch an average of 8 billion videos every day. Meanwhile, there are approximately 1.2 billion video views on Twitter per day. Not only that, 65% of the impressions came from video content from an ad on Instagram.

3. Mobile-friendly video is a must

In this digital age, almost everyone owns a smartphone. They have the required information at their fingerprints.

It is no surprise that Internet users have to access online videos 1.5 times more via their mobile devices. What’s more, 48% of millennials are watching videos exclusively on smartphones and tablets.

Many email marketers also experiment with videos in their campaigns. For example, an order to onboard email with mobile-friendly video can dramatically increase customer engagement.

4. Digital Video is the fastest-growing format

Digital video advertising continues to boom. According to Statista, the amount of online video advertising spending was the US $ 33.269 million in 2020 – and was projected to continue climbing.

Meanwhile, social video advertising spending is also projected to increase from $ 5.65 billion in 2017 to $ 14.89 billion in 2021.

Wrapping Up

Every knowledgeable marketer should know that online video is an attractive route. This gives them an easy way to communicate their brand message quickly and more effectively. In this way, internet users find it very easy to connect with the brand of their interest. Statistical numbers and above-the-trend trends can help you understand the competition and win the attention of your audience.

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