Ludo Game Online

7 Ways on How to Win Ludo Game Online: A Foolproof Strategy

Ludo has been one of the most frequently played board games for many years. Almost everyone has fond memories of playing the game Ludo with their friends and family when they were young. Due to its incredible popularity, this fantastic game is available online, so you can refresh your memories whenever possible.

Online Ludo game offers a virtual environment that gives you the impression that you are playing with your friends. If you are winning, the game becomes more exciting. Playing this game and succeeding brings a sense of fulfillment. But is winning at Ludo really that simple?

This article will go through several viable strategies for winning the Ludo game online.

7 Effective Ways To Win Ludo Game Online

Here are seven effective ways to enhance your online Ludo winning chances and make this game more engaging and enjoyable.

Open All The Tokens

The best way to play this game online is by using this method. As quickly as possible, evenly distribute each token throughout the board. By securing your tokens in a preventive manner, you will be able to seize control of the board and confuse your opponents.

Strong Attacking

Play a Ludo game online in the attacking mode. If you do this, you will feel more secure and enjoy the thrill of playing. The more you attack the opposing player’s token, the safer you become. A perfect plan will enable you to keep your tokens safe and take the opponent’s tokens.

Use Safe Boxes

On the board, there are eight safe boxes. The opponents cannot cut your token once it has entered the safe box. Use this facility to protect your token in a risky position and move at the right time.

Observe Your Opponent

Two or more players typically play the Ludo games. To whom you are playing the game, this is one of the most crucial things to pay attention to. Watch their playstyle and tactics. This will undoubtedly assist you in moving cautiously and steadily toward game victory.

Be Patient

Achieving success requires patience. It is best to retain your token in the safe zone if you locate it there and are not obtaining excellent dice values, especially if you are surrounded by tokens belonging to your opponents.

Move Your Token Wisely

Try shifting the token closest to your home if you roll the dice with a greater value. Your token is in a secure position, and this move increases your chances of winning. With a dice count of a smaller value, keep moving the initial tokens.

Be Active

Slumping will result in losing. During your game, keep moving. The winning move in this unpredictable game of Ludo is always a mystery. Be active and vigilant at all times.

Tips to Win easily in Ludo Game Online

  • Never battle with just one token. You’ve won when all of your tokens are in the home triangle. Move every token at once to boost your chances of winning.
  • Always remember the rule of seven. Keep your tokens seven boxes ahead of your opponent’s token because the maximum number of dice is six and getting a one on the second roll is very rare.
  • You should always create a mind map of your game. Keep in mind the token positions of both you and your opponent. By cutting your opponent’s token, you can protect your token.
  • Cut the opponent’s token as much as you can. You’ll get closer to a favorable situation this way.
  • Staying at a safe box close to your starting point stops your opponent from moving forward.
  • Never undervalue your opponent. Move slowly and carefully.
  • You can become an expert at this game by consistently practicing it. Start playing some practice games for free after downloading the Ludo app. You can eventually start with a smaller sum when playing.


Even though Ludo is a strategic board game, you have limited control over the values of the dice. It involves both talent and chance. A flawless approach improves your chances of winning. Any format of the online board game Ludo can be won if it is played correctly and strategically. To become an expert, identify your strong points and practice them.

Ludo is a very entertaining game that is simple to play whenever and wherever you like. You enjoy playing this game because it brings back memories from your youth. After downloading the Ludo App, you can enjoy this fantastic game all day and all night. You can play Ludo online with your loved ones, besides playing with complete strangers. So, download and begin to play RIGHT AWAY!

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