Gifts & Accessories

Ways To Make Your Dear Ones Feel Loved From A Distance

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Social-Distancing is the new norm of our everyday lives. The year 2020 has been unfortunate with the pandemic wave with all of us restricted to our homes. But as they say, every bad has a good side; even this uncertain time had. It gave us the much-needed time to spend with ourselves and those around us. Even being confined to the vicinity of one’s homes; people have figured out the digital ways of staying connected more than ever. And it was the time when we realised how important it is to make time for those who matter to us because life is too short to be busy only with office work. To all those who have been socially distancing themselves from afar (like people living abroad or in other cities) here are your clues to shower love from a distance.

  1. Special Days as an Excuse to Connect: Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas, New Year are all great excuses to eat a cake, have fun and party. When you are away from your dear ones, you dearly miss them, but on such special days, the missing game is on the next level. Not only you but even your family and friends celebrating miss you dearly. One way to mark your presence is to send cake online to them. Cakes can evoke feelings in the hearts and minds of the recipient. Every bite tastes sweet because it shows your love. Then, join the party via the zoom or skype app.
  2. Send Personalised Gifts: Materialistic things not only please the eyes but charm the soul, especially if the token is infused with memories like personalised gifts. Personalised gifts are one of those things that act as a reminder of happy memories. So on all the D-Days or otherwise, you can choose to send personalised gifts to your dear ones and near ones. Without having to say much, you can make them feel revered, cared, loved, and missed.
  3. Video Calls: Cover the distance digitally and connect the hearts instantly. Digital advancements are the prime reason that people still live close to their friends, family, and relatives. Everyone is just a text, call, video away from you. When you miss seeing a person or want to share some joyful news, like to have a conversation; you call the person. Video calls are more preferred than texts because you can see the person, which makes you close to them, and the same goes for the person at the other end. Seeing a person smiling on-screen is similar to witnessing a person laughing in reality.
  4. Surprise Visit: In the current situation, it may not seem feasible to schedule regular visits to your relatives’ house, but once in a while, you all can. So, on weekends or on any festival, you can drop by your friends or relatives house. If not the house, you can meet somewhere out and have fun. Take all the precautions like carrying a sanitiser, wearing masks, and ordering your food from a bakery or food store that undertakes all the vital steps necessary. If going out, choose a safe and secure place.
  5. Social Media Connection: In hard times, social media is a reliable source of communication and daily connections. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat are all interactive mediums to form new friendly connections and to stay connected with the existing ones. You can upload stories and tag people, send multimedia messages, calls or do video calls, and many other interesting features, making it the best way to shower your wishes and greetings over people.
  6. Turn Your House Into A Party Hall: If going out seems risky, turn your home into a party hall. Get the decorations done, serve home-cooked food and desserts, set up the music station and ask everyone to come dressed with matching face masks. Maintain the social distance norms and have fun from a distance. You can ask everyone to have their tests done and prepare your guest list.
  7. Bond Over Online Classes: It’s the golden opportunity to learn, try new things and hone the skills. Encourage your friends too, and you both can bond over online classes. By way of online classes, stay connected, discuss new things, explore, and do something productive.

Don’t leave a chance to shower love on your dear ones, even if it means going the extra mile.

I am enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. I am digitally savvy and love to learn new things about the world of digital technology. I loves challenges come in my way. I also prefer to share useful information such as SEO, Google Algorithm Update, SMM, PPC, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc.

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