Health & Fitness

12 Weight Loss Pills for Women


Who doesn’t want a slim and a fit body for an attractive look? For this, you might have chosen many methods to get your figure right and lose some weight. The most preferred method might include the food diet and a daily gym routine as they efficiently help in losing the weight. But not every time the results is what you want.

As you know, following a strict diet and a daily gym routine might not be enough, so going for weight loss pills will be an answer in your mind to get a much better results in losing the weight.

In this article, we are going to elaborate the list of weight loss pills and supplements which are highly reviewed by its buyers on online shopping sites like Amazon, Flipkart, Healthkart etc. And, Of course, some of the following mentioned pills might go out of your budget. In such a scenario, don’t forget to check VoucherArena, a coupon codes aggregating site which will definitely reduce your shopping amount.

1. Garcinia Cambogia Extract

An extract of Garcinia Cambogia, a fruit which is in small pumpkin shape and light green in colour; contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). An acid which is significant in losing the weight which is why it is called as a weight loss pill. In addition, it also helps in preventing fat producing enzymes called citric acid and balancing the blood sugar level.

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2. Orlistat (Alli)

Orlistat is a drug developed for weight loss which is sold over-the-counter named Alli in the form of pills. It will almost remove 25% of the fat from the food you will eat, as it helps in the breakdown of fat in the gut, which will only take the low calories from the fats. Even if you eat less food, this pill will make you feel like you have eaten more food.

But It has minor side effects when you eat this pill with food that contains more fats. So, It is always better you choose a low-fat diet when you are taking this pill to minimize the side effects.

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3. Hydroxycut

Hydroxycut is one of the best weight loss supplements, which helps in lowering your body fat and weight. It has different supplements with different ingredients, but the most common ingredient in all of those supplements is caffeine.

As we know, caffeine is best in losing your weight, it should be taken carefully by those who are sensitive to caffeine with side effect of nervousness, anxiety and high heart rate.

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4. Green Tea Extract

Many of the weight loss pills contain green tea extract. Consuming any green tea extract is considered as the best dietary supplement; as it can burn your fat, especially in the belly areas. In addition, the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) oxidant in green tea results in boosting metabolism and also, works as a fat burner.

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5. Glucomannan

Glucomannan is a fibre supplement, that works by absorbing the water from your body, which becomes a gel later. Then it sticks in your gut leading to a feeling of fullness, that result you in eating less. Studies showed that Glucomannan with a healthy diet can reduces your weight up to 2.5 to 3kg in 5 weeks.

In addition, it will also increase a good bacterium in your intestine that will help in lowering your blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and triglycerides, and is very effective against constipation.

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6. Raspberry Ketones

Ketones is a substance found in raspberries which will lead in losing your weight. It increases the breakdown of fat in your body and increases the levels of a hormone called adiponectin to regulate the metabolism in the body that aids in reducing your weight.

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7. Meratrim

Meratrim is the newest pill you’ll found in the market which is made from two natural plant extracts, Sphaeranthus indices and Garcinia Mangostana. The study showed that it minimizes the fat cells to multiply. It decreases the amount of fat received from the bloodstream that results in fat burn.

In addition, it also reduces blood sugar level and cholesterol.

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8. Leanbean – Fat Burner

Leanbean is the best for the women who eagerly want to lose their weight. Previously it was launched only for pro athletes, but now it is made and available for everyone.

Mainly, it reduces your calorie intake. The main key ingredient in it is the Glucomannan which is an appetite suppressant that will help in naturally burning your fats that aids in losing your wight.

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9. Forskolin

Forskolin is an effective weight loss pill that contains an extract of the mint family. It decreases the number of fats deposits, resulting in wight loss. It is also said that it increases the compound called cAMP module inside the cells which also helps in burning the fats.

Further, It carries out the various functions such as increase in metabolic rate, muscle mass, and breaking down the unwanted fat from your body.

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10. Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee beans are nothing but a non-roasting coffee bean. Caffeine and chlorogenic acid present in the seed will help you in losing your weight. Caffeine promotes fat burning and chlorogenic acid slowly breakdowns the carbohydrates present in the gut.

On the other hand, it is vegan, gluten-free, and high in oxidants. Studies showed that it can lose your weight up to 2.5 kg and can control the blood sugar level and can regulate your blood pressure.

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11. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

CLA, i.e. Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a type of fatty acid that is generally found in fats of some animals and the food made from its beef like cheese, butter and more. It may decrease your appetite, boost metabolism, and breakdown the body fat, which helps in weight loss.

Moreover, it not only reduces your body fat but it also boosts your immunity. Studies showed that it can reduce 0.1 kg weight per week when you consume it for 6 months.

It is safe when you take 6gm per day for 12 months; Or else, it has a side effects like stomach discomfort, diarrhoea, or constipation. Also, it is not suitable for diabetic patients.

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12. Evolution Nutrition Stimulant (EVL)

EVL is gluten-free therefore it works like a weight loss pill. On the other hand, it is best for vegans. It contains Garcinia Cambogia extract, green coffee bean extract, and CLA, so its effects are undoubtedly significant when you try it. It also controls your appetite, burns your fats, boosts your metabolism, levels the antioxidant, and reduces the fat in your body.

Evolution Nutrition Stimulant (EVL)


All in all, we recommend you to consume it with nutrionist or doctor’s recommendation.

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