Health & Fitness

Do You Need To Visit A Doctor?

When you are sick, do you immediately make an appointment to see your doctor? Do you ever consider making an attempt to treat your illness without seeking a doctor’s advice?

You can take best treatment from your doctors. If you consider treating minor illnesses at home, you may save yourself, not only hundreds of dollars, but time. Naturally there are illnesses that only a Physician can diagnose, and treat. I am referring to illnesses that almost all of us at one time or another has been plagued with

For a good example, the common cold can be easily treated at home with over the counter medication, increased fluids, and rest. Yet millions of people continue to seek a doctor to treat a common cold?

Illnesses that can be treated at home:

Just what illnesses can be safely treated in ones home, without consulting a doctor? Many Illnesses can be treated at home with over the counter medication. Illnesses such as; colds, flu, stomach aches, mild diarrhea, stress headaches, and minor skin irritations. All of the above illnesses can be treated safely from home, without a costly visit to a doctor. Naturally one should keep in mind there are guidelines to follow when deciding, doctor or no doctor?
Here are some guidelines to follow when deciding to treat illnesses at home.

  • – You feel only slightly ill
  • – Your symptoms are mild, and relieved with rest.
  • – You temperature is under 100 degrees.
  • – You are not getting relief of symptoms with over the counter medication.
  • – Nausea and or vomiting are relieved by over the counter medication within 4 hours.
  • – Diarrhea that is relieved within 8 hours with over the counter medication.
  • – Headache Pain is relieved with over the counter medication within 4 hours.
  • – counting on the matter, minor skin problems can be treated with hosts of over the counter medications.

Note; improvement should be noted within time period that is listed on given medication information. Otherwise see ones physician.

When to see a Doctor:

If your illness requires you to see a doctor, go to your doctor’s appointment prepared to supply him with a good description of your illness. Inform the doctor of any and all over the counter medication you have taken. Along with any prescribed medication you take on a daily bases. Give him a clear description of your symptoms. When did the symptoms appear? When or what makes the symptoms worse?

Did any measures you tried reception decrease the symptoms?

A good description of your illness can help the doctor better understand your condition, and aid greatly in the doctors treatment plan.

– pain or heart connected pain should be thought-about Associate in Nursing emergency.

A doctor ought to be seen as shortly as attainable.

– Pain that is unusual, in severity and duration. Also, it is out of the normal that you have ever experienced before.

– No pain relief with over the counter medication or a notable increase in discomfort.

– Dizziness or visual disturbances.
– Speech irregularities.
– Nausea and or vomiting that is unrelieved by over the counter medication within 4 hours.

– diarrhoea that doesn’t subside at intervals eight hours or shows increase in liquidity.

– Notable Blood in stool.
– Temperature over 101.0 degrees.

– Symptoms that square measure out of the norm, those appear to be chronic and unrelieved, and have become worrisome.

– A cold, flu or stomach problems that seem to be getting worse, ever though you are getting rest, fluids, and over the counter medications.
– A sore throat, that is more painful then you have ever experienced. One loses the ability to speak because of laryngitis.

– humour that’s excessively thick, and odd in color.

Such as grey, yellow or green or blood tinged.

Sputum that is odorous.
– A cough that is chronic.

– Any injury because of Associate in Nursing accident, bone breaks, burns, etc.

One should always seek emergency medical care.
– Increase and unusual bruising, skin discolorations, lesions that won’t heal, unexplained lumps. Any moles should be assessed by a doctor. Also you can take best treatment from dr stahl.

I hope these tips will help you in deciding how to treat some simple medical problems and when you should truly seek help from your doctor.

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