Tech Support

How can I install Antivirus on my PC through email?

Install antivirus software because it can help you shield your computer from getting infected by viruses and spyware. Antivirus software is important, and every computer should have one installed.

There are tons of computer threats on the internet; any one of them can cause damage to your computer if you haven’t provided adequate protection to the operating system.

I have antivirus software installed, that’s great. In case you don’t have one, we recommend you follow the instructions in this post to know how to install antivirus software on computer.

Why you should install antivirus software

To install antivirus software is to protect the computer from various kinds of web threats. As antivirus software is designed to detect and remove viruses, it can keep the system protected.

When an initially developed antivirus software could only prevent regular viruses, as days passed, they can now protect the computer against evolving and emerging threats.

It even keeps your computer and the network secured by finding and removing any detected malicious program and files. It’s important to install antivirus software to keep the system and network protected.

If your system doesn’t have any antivirus protection, it means that you’re giving easy access to various web threats, which later gives further access to dangerous threats.

Antivirus software is important because it helps prevent malicious threats and viruses from getting access to your computer. But if you want to ensure complete protection, first install antivirus software and then keep it up-to-date.

Many options in the market can give optimum virus protection, but we would recommend installing Trend Micro Security. It comes to advance malware protection t and AI & ML technology to keep your system 100% secured from any kinds of viruses.

How to install antivirus software on the computer

You can install antivirus software on computer either using its installation CD/DVD or downloading the antivirus setup file.

  • You will get a CD/DVD if you purchase the antivirus from a retail store. If you have, it then inserts it into your PC’s disc drive, and the installation process will automatically start. You will also guide you through the installation process.
  • You can also install antivirus software by downloading the antivirus program file and then run it on your system.

Take a look at the instructions below to learn how to install antivirus software.

  1. After downloading the setup or installer file, locate it and then double-click on that file. The installation window will open up, and this is the starting of the process. You will also guide you through the installation process.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions provided in the antivirus installation window. You will also get options to install files that can help the antivirus function properly.
  1. Once you’re done with the installation process, close the window.
  1. If you used the CD/DVD to install antivirus software, then remove the disc after the installation process.
  1. You now have the antivirus software installed on your computer, and it’s ready to use. But we recommend you reboot your system after the installation process to take effect of the changes made to operating system’s settings.

Why keeping antivirus software updated is important.

Antivirus software doesn’t come up-to-date out of the box. It is missing out latest updates on virus definitions. If antivirus software is not up-to-date, it can’t prevent and protect the system from latest threats, keeping your PC vulnerable.

After installing antivirus software on your computer, it’s highly recommended to keep the program up-to-date with the latest virus definitions. Keeping your antivirus software updated can protect the system known as well as emerging threats.

Most of the antivirus software comes with auto-updates enabled, which checks for new updates and installs them whenever available. If any notification about installing updates pops open, make sure you select yes.

In case you don’t get any notification, we recommend you follow the steps below to know how you can always keep your antivirus up-to-date.

How to always keep the antivirus software up-to-date

If you want to keep your antivirus always up-to-date then you must enable automatic updates. To check or enable automatic updates, follow the instructions below.

  1. First, you need to open the installed antivirus software on your computer.
  1. When its main window opens up, check for Settings or any Advance Settings option. In case you didn’t saw any, check for options like Updates.
  1. After that, check Automatic Download and Apply Updates options. If you didn’t see any, check for similar possibilities to automatic updates.
  1. If automatic updates are already enabled, close the window. If not, then immediately allow auto-updates.

Final Thoughts

It is highly recommended to install antivirus software on your computer. As new threats are developing and is on the rise, your system and the stored files are at risk without adequate protection.

Also, make sure after installing one, keep the antivirus always up-to-date to ensure current and continuous protection.

Hello Everyone! My name is Nicole Williams and I am discussing here latest news and updates of trend micro antivirus software.

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