Digital Marketing

5 Steps for SEO Competitive Analysis

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is becoming increasingly very important for businesses all over the world. An efficient SEO strategy helps a business stand out from others. SEO can help companies to rank among the top ones on search engines. When a website ranks high on Google or other search engines, the traffic increases and this results in profitability as more and more users visit the site. An SEO company can help businesses formulate the best strategy for their organization. 

Competitive analysis on grounds of Search Engine Optimization is vital to taking your online business to another level. Professional SEO agencies can help your business perform competitive analysis effectively. This helps you to analyze your grounds and what you can do to expand your business from scratch.

Proper research is required to formulate an efficient SEO strategy. Here are some steps that will ensure that you or the search engine optimization company you are hiring is setting a clear and realistic approach.

1. Keyword research

You have to be quite realistic while researching the keywords. The keywords you plan to use should be relevant to the target audience. You can also see what keywords are your competitors are using and try and make the best use of this knowledge. There are several SEO tools available in the market. It is suggested that you should use these tools to identify the best keywords for your website.

2.Identification of competitors

Once you are ready with your keywords list, you should type them in the Google search and see the results. The websites that are ranking on the top are the ones that can be called your competitors. You can the tool SEMRush to determine the organic traffic on these websites. You can also see which keywords are making these websites rank high on the search engines. While you are doing this, make sure that you are identifying the right competitors. Best SEO services in India can also help you with this research.

3. Analyzing the competitors

Now when you know who your real competitors are, you should delve deep into their data. Start by gaining access to their general data and then move to more advanced data. Download their backlink profile and to get an idea of the number of high-quality links that you will need to target. Use different SEO tools to analyze the profile of your competitors. When you are aware of the techniques utilized by the competitors in the given industry, it helps you to work upon your strengths and weaknesses as well. As such, competitive analysis on grounds of SEO serves to be a blessing in disguise.

4. Understand their content marketing strategy

Social media marketing is the best form of marketing these days. You need to observe that how your competitors are making use of this channel. Evaluate and analyze all their social media accounts to learn their activities. This will give you an idea about their social media activity, and you will know that what you need to do. You can also learn about your initial followers using their profiles.

5. Determine your strategy

Now that you have all the necessary required information, you need to create a strategy of your own. Here, you will have to use all the data that you’ve collected in due course of your research. The data that you’ve acquired from all the research forms is the backbone of your strategy. Having a search engine list can also be quite useful for you.

These steps will ensure that you are carrying out a competitive analysis of SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ). For the best results, hire services from a professional SEO agency.

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