Health & Fitness

3 Best Yoga Teacher Certification Courses to Start Career in Yoga

Knowing the fact that how rewarding the yoga career has become nowadays, many dedicated yoga practitioners are hopping up to join yoga teacher certification courses. But, the most common question arising among many is which yoga course to opt for. If you are also facing the same challenge and can’t decide on joining the best yoga teacher certification course for you, we are here to help.

Like every profession, yoga teacher training is also divided at various levels. Beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Below is an overview of various YTT courses that can help yoga practitioners start their careers in yoga. Let’s get started.

200 Hour YTT

Known as the beginner-level yoga teacher training course, 200 hour YTT mainly consists of basic yoga training related to traditional Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Vinyasa, yoga, meditation, pranayama, chanting, and more.

The 28-day long yoga course helps students completely immerse themselves in the yoga lifestyle and multiple yoga practices. Students will be able to find their inner, resulting in healing from inside out.

200 hour yoga teacher training course is designed to enable students develop their connection with their own deepest wisdom and get trained for self-inquiry and integration at the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

300 Hour YTT

300 hour yoga teacher training course is for the yogis and yoginis of intermediate level. It helps them take their existing yoga practice to the next level and become yoga teachers.

During the course, a student will gain yoga teaching skills by practicing teaching yoga to others with confidence. The yoga teacher certification course is a great way for practitioners to expand their consciousness and horizon. You will not only get to know how to make your way to become a certified yoga teacher but also learn how to teach a yogi or yogini.

300 hour yoga teacher training usually takes 40 days for an aspirant to become a yoga teacher. However, the time duration may vary from school to school.

500 Hour YTT

500 hour yoga teacher training is the most advanced course for yoga practitioners. It combines the yoga teachings of both 200 and 300 hour YTT courses. Thus, you will get to know about all the topics in detail and advanced manner.

After completing 500 hour yoga teacher training, you may have enough confidence and certainty to teach yoga to others. Even if you have no plans to become a yoga teacher after completing the course, you will find yourself a completely changed person in many ways.

To enroll in the 500 hour yoga teacher training, you need to spare at least 60 days. As this is intense and advanced yoga training, you would be needing more time to complete it in a successful and efficient manner.

In all the courses, you will learn about yoga philosophy, methodology, anatomy, physiology, bandhas, chakras, mudras, and a lot more.

Quick Tip: Whether you join a 200, 300, or 500 hour yoga teacher training course, make sure the one you choose is registered with Yoga Alliance, USA. This will assure that you are going to learn about the various aspects of yoga as per the standards set by the organization. Also, having yoga teacher certification from a school registered with Alliance will allow you to teach yoga in any part of the world.

Bonus! Benefits of Yoga Teacher Certification Courses

All the above-listed yoga courses can benefit you at various levels and allow you to become a yoga teacher after getting them complete in a successful manner. Apart from that, you can get the chance to:

  • Live ashram and yogic life
  • Meet like-minded people
  • Get connected with nature
  • Enjoy sightseeing and small trips
  • Relish yogic food
  • Explore the culture of other countries, and do a lot more.

In a Nutshell

Yoga is not just the practice of various asanas and breathing techniques that takes place on a yoga mat. Instead, it is a journey that helps practitioners to find their inner. People may find it easy to become a yoga teacher by getting yoga teacher certification, but in reality, the path is really challenging throughout life. As you need to keep yourself updated and familiar with all the ifs and buts of various yoga tools and techniques to teach your students about the same in a confident and hassle-free manner.

Read More:- Become a Yoga Instructor

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